I am very excited to introduce my friend, Stacy Dickman, to the Texting the Truth community today! Welcome, Stacy!

Thanks, Katie! I’m excited for the opportunity to share today.

Can you begin by telling us a little about your kids?

I’m mom to three — a middle school girl and two single-digit boys. They are the lights in my world, even on the toughest days. I still think of them as my babies, but they are certainly growing into amazing young people.

Do you have a family photo that you can share with us?

Sure! Here’s one that is a perfect capture of our personalities. We are incredibly goofy together.
We took this picture during our beach trip. With all the formal photos, this is the one I love the most.

I love it! Pictures that capture personality and everyday family moments are the BEST!? So, tell us more about life with your fun-loving family … what is your favorite go-to, easy meal to throw together for your family?

We do a lot of noodles. I know, not always the best choice, but they are easy and the kids actually eat them!

Yum! I think if I was forced to give up all other food, I could live on just pasta every day!? Do you have any favorite mom products to share?

White board calendars. Things change way too often!

Isn’t that the truth! Do you wear any other hats in addition to your [big, gigantic, hugely significant] mom hat?

I’m a writer (www.stacydickman.com) and an author. I blog about mom life and women’s issues. And my new book Labeled: Redefining the Woman God Made You to Be is now available! I have all sorts of mom roles at home and school, and I teach kids at church on Sunday mornings.

It was through teaching Sunday School that you and I first met! And congratulations on the newly published book! I was so excited to rip open my Amazon package last week and pull out Labeled! I haven’t been able to put it down! So honest and relatable! Can you share a little about what inspired you to write it?

If you struggle with identity – knowing who you are as mom – you are not alone. I wrestled with these ideas and definitions for a long time. Trying to be the woman the world wants me to be is impossible. So, I began to ask God what He wants me to be. I found that the words I was using were not wrong, but how I was defining them was not what He wanted for me. I wrote all about what I learned in this book.

And I, for one, am so glad that you did! Your book is encouraging me on my own journey of learning to really understand who God made me to be.
Can you share with us a recent experience that has challenged your mothering?

My children recently changed schools. It was a hard change because we absolutely loved our old school. It was hard as a mom to send them off to new schools with all new faces. But, by the grace of God alone, we have adjusted well.

Changes that affect our babies are some of our biggest challenges as moms, I think! What has God been teaching you through this experience of changing schools?

I have had to learn to trust. Trust that God has my kids in mind as much as He has me in mind. I have had to learn to trust others like new teachers and principals, bus drivers, and new friends. I’ve always held my kids so close, but in this new environment I have had to let them spread their own wings a little.

Each step of letting go and watching our children become more independent is so challenging and so bittersweet! I love your reminder, though, that God has our kids in His mind and in His care! ? Do you have any general words of encouragement for other moms in the trenches like you?

Keep going. It doesn’t have to be perfect or look like anyone else. Every mom role is our own, and God made us to fulfill it in our own way. All we have to do is keep going and keep following Him.

I LOVE that and need to remind myself of that every day! Thank you for sharing your heart with us today, Stacy!

Do you have a story you would like to share? Click and answer a few questions about your journey as a Mom in Progress.