Hi, Pam! Thanks so much for taking the time to chat with our readers. We love reading your comments on the blog, and you always have such wisdom to share. We wanted to dig a little deeper and allow our readers the privilege of getting to know you, too!
I can’t help but notice this sweet picture, here. Can you tell us about it?

This picture is of my youngest daughter, Kelly, and I at Newport Aquarium in Cincinnati.

I love your smiles. It looks like you two were making some great memories that day!
So tell us, do you have any other children?

I have 3 children… Kari, who is 40, Rob (38), and Kelly (30). I also have 6 grandchildren. I am a seasoned mom, but have had lots of bumps along that road!
I also have 2 wonderful step-children, Betsy and Jared, and Jared’s wife Phoebe, and they have made my life complete with their unconditional love.

Oh, boy, I think a lot of us can relate to that. My motherhood journey is just starting out, and I’ve already had my fair share of bumps and bruises! Any advice for those of us still trying to figure things out?

My ‘children’ are grown and need very little assistance from me. I like to keep in touch with them, but, honestly, they are not nearly as needy as I am. I am learning to trust not knowing how their lives are going and feeling good about that. Kari and Rob spent most of their growing up years with their dad and stepmom, and I honestly am just glad to be able to share in their lives at all. If there’s anything I can tell you, it’s that keeping your marriage vows sacred is the best security you can give your children. I thank God that my children have wonderful marriages!

Such a great reminder. It’s so easy to get caught up in our children and neglect the foundation that made us a family in the first place! I’m making a mental note right now to get a date night on the calendar, pronto?!
So are there any books or podcasts that have been inspiring you lately??

I am reading Barbara Kingsolver’s “Small Wonder” essays now. I also like daily devotionals like “Streams in the Desert”. I thought I was too old for the podcast generation, but I was just on the road to Wisconsin and listened to Jen Hatmaker’s podcast, “For the Love”. The time on the road passed quickly and I felt so enlightened!

Ha! I only recently discovered the podcast world and it’s pretty great, but there’s something so personal and meaningful to me about interacting with an actual book. I’m not familiar with those titles, and now I can’t wait to check them out.
Any mom products you’re loving these days?

I love the Fabfitfun boxes?!

Oooh, you’ve got me beat there. I haven’t tried those yet, but I hear great things! What’s not to love about a box of trendy items sent right to your door? I’m all about anything that can make life a little bit easier.
Speaking of go-to’s for busy moms, is there a favorite simple meal ? that’s a staple in your house?

I’ve been cooking Home Chef meals lately, but I also love sheet pan vegetables… finally, I enjoy Brussels sprouts! It took the olive oil to change me!

Yes! Sheet pan veggies are a must in my house with all my picky vegetable eaters. I’ll be honest, we’ve been in survival mode lately and getting a real meal on the table has been anything but easy. Those bumps in the road you were talking about earlier – how have you gotten through them?

At this time in my life, letting go is something I have to emotionally commit to and frequently tell myself. I did the best I could under the circumstances of the time. It was a struggle to feel like a mom when I wasn’t always able to physically be present. The facts may be real and very sad, but the outcome is what matters. My children thrive and are the best parents I could ever imagine. That matters so much more than ‘me.’ To be positive, and healthy, and to take care of my well-being keeps me able to enjoy all of the blessings that are around me. At this point in my life, to rejoice in the fact that my children made amazing lives for themselves is pure joy!
And I do listen to Dr. Laura on the radio. She says that childrens’ IQs are inherited from their moms so ???!!!

IQ’s inherited from Mom, huh? Nice! I’m personally hoping my boys also inherited some of their dad’s math ability??♀️.
We deal with some pretty heavy stuff as moms. Is there a “victory” or lesson you’ve learned from all you’ve experienced?

A victory? Well, I get to see my children every so often, and they do love me. And my grandchildren are smart, and happy, and loved so much. That IS a victory. By God’s grace, we have great memories, and hopefully we will continue to make more. I would love for talks and time alone with my children and I do get occasionally get that. Life doesn’t always work out the way you want… as long as my children are living good lives, that is more than enough for me. Positivity always creates opportunities.

Positivity creates opportunities…I need to write that one down✏️!

As I get older, I’ve also found that friendship is the truest blessing. Cherish with the deepest part of your heart your “old” friends. I spent last weekend at Torch Lake in Michigan. We were at a friend’s home watching sailboats float by, eating Wisconsin cherries and laughing – old friends and new friends. What gifts!

Oh, wow, that sounds magical!
On a lighter note, what is the funniest thing your kids have said or done recently?

My daughter Kelly told me tonight that her cat Ivan wakes her up every night “screaming” because he has a toy to show her. She only has fur babies… and a heart of gold. She works as a cancer nurse at the Cleveland Clinic and is so happy when she helps a patient facing extreme health problems.

What an incredible job! I can only imagine what a blessing she is to her patients. Her cat, Ivan, sounds like quite the character, too?!
So…do you have any final words of advice for those of us still in the trenches?

Well, you all are young and I love reading your blogs, as well as your courage and commitment to being such awesome moms. I am inspired by you! Don’t let go of your intuition, and always share truths with your spouse. Don’t put anything before that relationship…take time to be each other’s best friend.
Always know there is someone who wants to help you, and listen, if you are down or frustrated. We are in this together, and a lot of us need to be needed when we are done raising our children. Even the hardest times can have happy endings. Just have faith… real faith. The kind where God’s all you have left, and then miracles happen. ✝️
I have changed my heart space in recent years and I have my husband, Steve, and his mom (who will be 90 this year!) to thank for challenging my heart to change. No one knows your spirit but you – when you’re real, and honest, you can find love in nature, your faith, your people, your practices, or your children. Whatever you need to do…go find it. Because before you know it, you’re a grandmother!

Thank you so much, Pam. I know I speak for all of our readers when I say that we appreciate your vulnerability and wisdom. We’re all just trying to do the best we can, so knowing that we may hit a pothole or two along the way – but can still emerge on the other side in one piece, with gratitude and perspective – makes me feel a whole lot better????.

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