As a mom, you may not have qualified for the Rio Olympics, but you certainly deserve a spot on the podium in our eyes. There are no “perfect scores” in motherhood, but if you had a discipline breakthrough, managed a meltdown, or found time in your day to pursue a dream, then we want to take a moment and celebrate alongside you. Even the little “victories” add up to be big wins in the long run; so let’s champion each other. After all, we’re on the same team.

Today we are so thrilled to feature the amazing graphic designer on our team, Lisa Langenhop!
Hi Lisa! Will you introduce yourself with a photo?

Sure! I chose this photo because the sun flare hides the bags under my eyes 😉 No, I chose this photo because, if I’m going to get real here about being a mom, I want to show me really being a mom.

Love it. So I know you are amazingly talented but will you share what other hats you wear in addition to your [big, gigantic, hugely significant] Mom Hat?

I am a contact graphic designer that specializes in small business branding and event design. I’m in local MOPS leadership, and belong to a few random-ish clubs.
(If you want to follow on social media: IG : @lisalangenhop, FB : Lisa Langenhop Designs, W :

I know I speak for the team in saying how grateful we are that you use your gifts on our blog. The images you create are astoundingly beautiful and you seem to do it all with such little effort. So tell us about your cute kids…

My oldest, Audra, is effervescent, highly emotional, and goofy to the extreme. She’s almost three, and since she struggles to use words, she compensates with expressions and drama in the most lovely way. My son Fletcher just hit the five month mark. To date, he smiles at anyone who will look at him, and already tries to break free and move around (help we are in trouble.)

So funny! What is a recent mom win you experienced that took time and perseverance to accomplish?

When my son was born, the rest of our life was saturated with dark situations. My nephew had a tremendous health scare, two good friends were going through extreme marital issues, my husband’s dear friend was being forced into a major life change…people we care deeply about were in trouble. In fact, the afternoon we came home from the hospital, we a house guest stay with us that night! Any plans I had to ease into a second child were suddenly less relevant than other things. We were completely baffled as to how to handle these things – but we knew we wanted to be excellent parents and excellent friends. That time stripped away petty annoyances and unjustified expectations, and it gave us clarity on where to put our energy. My husband and I praise the Lord that he grew us in the ability to commit to what was at hand, and let go of the rest.

It’s amazing how those hard situations will change our perspective. What is a mom win that you would text your best friend?

I am texting the world whenever I successfully talk my daughter down from a tantrum situation!

Ha! Yes! What are you learning as a mom right now?

My motto for the last few months is to err on the side of love. Instead of being cautious or calculating (my specialties when it comes to emotion), I’ve wanted to lean in to the situation or relationship. The more I learn about what Jesus valued, the more I see my own tendencies to wall-up or overcrowd my heart and mind. Turns out those tendencies can deplete the richness of the Lord’s plans! So I’ve tried to go after them in the little things.
When my kids go to bed, I want to pick up the phone to text a friend. When we are getting ready for bed, I want to give that last kiss to my husband. When the opportunity comes to meet up with a friend, even when I feel like watching TV, I want to meet her. I still get it wrong all the time, and I ignore my motto more often then I’d like to admit, but I know that I have never once regretted a single decision I made while my new motto in mind..even if it took more energy or investment.

I so appreciate that about you! Thank you for making an intentional investment in our blog as well. We are all better for it!
And a little note to anyone interested in contributing photos for us to use on our blog: use our contact form and Lisa will get back to you on more info. 🙂

If you would like to be featured as a Gold Medal Mom or you know someone who would, please contact us here!