Have I got a story for you!

Yay! Your stories are the BEST, Ashley! What happened?

So, Claire had her first dentist appointment, and I genuinely didn’t know how it was going to go. She is usually pretty easy-going and she loves to brush her teeth, but you just never know if they are going to freak out when they’re in the chair.

Oh my gosh, I can only imagine. I do not think Sophie will sit still long enough for them to do anything!

Grace will sit, but then she gets upset when they use the “yucky toothpaste.”

Yeah, Libby too. She gags. ?

Claire, on the other hand, cracked up through the whole thing. She literally liked it better than Kings Island!

Haha! Really? I bet you weren’t expecting that! Just when you’re prepared for a response they throw a curveball with a totally different one than you planned!

They sure do! As I was walking out, there was a little boy her age who was screaming his head off. The dental hygienist looked at me and said, “that’s what is normal at this age.” I kind of welled up with pride. I know it’s wrong but I was thinking….phew! Better them than me.

Yeah…just being honest, we’ve all thought that at some point.

And then Claire in all her excitement ran head first into the counter and fell to the floor screaming. Motherhood: Don’t get too prideful, because you will be humbled fast.

I just busted out laughing and I am so sorry because I know it’s not funny but it sounds like totally something that would happen to me!! Isn’t that true? The minute I think I have something figured out, I definitely have a humbling experience like that.

Oh my gosh, that is SO TRUE.

? Everyone was staring at me and she was just inconsolable. Go figure: she makes it through an entire dentist trip without crying, until we get to the front desk where an entire waiting room of people can watch you. It literally ALWAYS goes that way. I know God doesn’t like pride, and man, are children a quick fix for that.

Honestly, that is one of the hardest parts of motherhood, isn’t it? ? The part where everyone watches you handle a hard parenting moment and then you begin wondering what they’re thinking or how you’re handling the situation.

YES, it is!!! Especially when Benjamin was little, I always felt like the world was staring at us. Probably because I was constantly feeling out of control! ? ?

I guess like you said, it’s another form of pride because it goes back to – what are they thinking of me? When I start acting like my kids are an extension of me or a report card on how I mother, that is when my focus is totally in the wrong place.

Pride, ouch! #TruthRightThere #HardToHear

When our kids are being rockstars and totally making us look like we are mothers of the year, it can be hard to keep a level head.

Yep! Experienced that one today. I was really loving my mom skills in that 10 seconds before it all went wrong. lol

Haha! We just have to remember that yes, we try to instill some good character lessons and teach and guide them, but no, their awesome behavior in this moment is not because we have totally figured out this motherhood thing. Some days I really wish it were that way. But right when we think that, we get a wonderful opportunity like your dentist experience or my Ellie’s grocery store meltdown today!
Are you still there?

Sorry….I just got headbutted crazy hard. Grace jumped on the couch and cracked me in the head in the middle of me texting you. I have frozen peas on my head at the moment.

Oh my gosh! Are you okay?

LOL. I’m okay. Disoriented but okay. Hey, these peas are just helping with the pride I was swelling with earlier today. God sure does have a sense of humor. 🙂

Awww! You poor thing! Trying not to laugh because I also feel badly for you! ?

Oh Motherhood. Always keeps you on your toes, or I guess in your case, with peas on your head. Hey, the only positive is since you are thawing those on your head, maybe you can use them for dinner?

This better be the best dinner ever….but if it’s not, I will humbly admit it. ?

Soaking in the Truth
Scripture to encourage you:
- “In the same way, you who are younger, submit yourselves to your elders. All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because, ‘God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.’ ” 1 Peter 5:5
- “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45
- “He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way.” Psalms 25:9
- “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves.” Philippians 2:3
Music to inspire you:
- From The Inside Out by Hillsong United
Readings to come alongside of you:
- Walking in Freedom as a Mom from The Better Mom
- When You’re Failing at Motherhood and Everything Else {times ten} from The Better Mom
Ideas to try:
- Recognize when you are starting to swell with pride, and lay it down right there in that moment. Pray for the Lord to replace pride with the very opposite- humility. Humility by definition is “the quality or state of not thinking you are better than other people.” Jesus was the only perfect person to ever walk this Earth and he flipped the script by humbly serving those around Him. If we earnestly seek and pray to be more like Jesus, humility will be sure to follow.
- Remember what God has done for you in the past. Praise Him for His faithfulness and remember that every good and perfect gift, day, and/or moment is because of His mercies.
- Reflect on the fact that our worth as moms is not dependent on our kids’ behavior, good or bad. Our worth comes from being valuable in the eyes of the Lord; that’s a gift that no amount of good (or bad) behavior can change.
{These suggestions are ideas from novice moms. Sometimes our life situations need more. In that case, seeking out professional help is the right call.}