Girls, I really think I’m missing something. I am dying over here (sorry for the drama) with a stomach bug and I deemed it “show day.” My girls literally just interpreted this as Mommy is going to put on a show! As in singing, dancing, twirling, full on performing. ?

I would pay money for a ticket to that show!

Lol! Well thank you Laura! I do find myself fairly entertaining but unfortunately The “Ashley’s slightly tone deaf rendition of show tunes” Theater is closed for the day. ? Is there a trick I’m missing to being a sick Mama?

Oh, I feel ya on the sick days as a mom. I just recovered from the dreaded stomach bug too and the thought definitely went through my mind that, “moms don’t get sick days.”

Nope! Don’t get me wrong I love being with my girls, but on days that I’m hugging the toilet, I would love to be able to lay around in bed, sipping tea, and taking a nap.

One of the hardest things for me as a mom has been always putting my kids’ needs in front of mine own 24/7, and it seems they always know those days when you’re really needing a break and they turn their energy up three more notches.

Or in my case, they want me to turn MY energy up three notches. ?

Ha, exactly. I hate that you’re going through this but it’s good to hear I’m not alone in this struggle. I think so much of motherhood is a paradox and I especially think so when it comes to this subject of “dying to self.” Because yes, motherhood is so much about serving, serving, serving–getting up in the middle of the night with the baby when you can hardly see straight, playing one more game of Pretty, Pretty Princesses when you just want to take a nap, foregoing the to-do list because naps beckon or because the kids won’t nap–the list goes on and on.

Exactly! But on days like today when I have completely hit empty, I am at a loss for what to do? Part of me struggles with how much I need rest and then part of me wrestles with the guilt of not being able to provide my kids with the entertainment they’re used to.

Hold the phone! First of all, you are SICK!! So that should eliminate all guilt of not putting on a live production of “Let it Go” for girls who can probably perform it for you! Second of all, sometimes when you are not sick you need to plan to give yourself a little break. I always keep a frozen pizza in the freezer for days that I just can’t do the “perfect homemade” lunch. ?

Wait, you reserve those just for sick days? And the perfect homemade lunch? Wow, impressive. I guess every day is a sick day around our house! Ha! ?

I put out a blanket on the living room floor, put on a TV show, or hey maybe even a whole movie (I know I can just hear your gasps), and I throw that pizza in the oven, and serve it on paper plates, give them an applesauce squeezey, and throw myself on the couch. At the end, I just fold up the blanket with all the crumbs and stains to be dealt with after the stomach bug subsides!

Laura, you are a genius! Seriously, these are such good ideas! To be quite honest when I read it, I thought That sounds like a party! And one I would love to watch from the comfort of my couch. I needed ideas, and also the freedom to know IT’S OKAY TO TURN THE TV ON and take a break.

Amen and amen! Let’s be honest, when I was sick, I called my babysitter and asked for help. There was no way I could even function and I think it’s okay to wave the white flag when you need it! Here’s a word for all of us: I say the next time you have a sick day, or maybe just a day when you’ve had a long week and you are realizing your patience is a little thinner, give yourself the gift of rest. Maybe that means embracing the dishes in the sink and picking up the book at nap time, or getting a sitter so you can meet a friend for coffee, or maybe it’s just closing your eyes for 15 minutes and tuning into your heart and to what God is saying to you. Because when we are tired, His voice is the one saying, “Come to Me” and He will give us rest–even in the midst of a “show day.”

Soaking in the Truth
Scripture to encourage you:
- “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” – Matthew 11:28 (NIV)
- “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.”- Isaiah 40:29 (NIV)
Music to inspire you:
- Grace Wins by Matthew West
- Grace Flows Down by Christy Nockels
- Breathe by Jonny Diaz
Readings to come alongside of you:
- Because Sometimes Motherhood Means Doing It Tired by Becky Thompson
Living Out the Truth
Ideas to try:
- Prepare for Sick days ahead of time- keep a pizza in the freezer, paper products in your pantry, and all your kids favorite movies on hand.
- Don’t be afraid to call a family member or friend to ask for help. Everyone’s been there and it’s 100% okay to say, “I need an extra hand today.”
- Cut yourself some slack and remember that you’re no good to anyone if you’re not taking care of yourself- so get the rest you need, so you can bounce back quickly and be ready to get back into the swing of things. Silver lining: your family may even appreciate you a little more after having a day without you. ?
{These suggestions are ideas from novice moms. Sometimes our life situations need more. In that case, seeking out professional help is the right call.}