I have a new little goal for myself this year ladies!

Let’s hear it!!

I’m just trying to clear off the kitchen table each night.

Oooh! That’s a good one! How has it been going?

I haven’t done it every single day, but when I do, it helps me think a little clearer that morning!

Hey, anything that helps give clarity of mind is awesome in my world!! What made you decide that you needed to do this?

When we came down to the table each morning, there were always little piles on the table of school papers or unfinished crafts or a few little Legos, and then one thing would lead to another, and the boys were playing and not eating breakfast, and then we were running behind and then I was yelling to hurry up! Ugh…

Laura, you are so smart!! So basically you looked at an area of your life that wasn’t working well and tried to figure out how to fix it?

Right, just a small shift in the everyday routine that needed a little adjusting. How about you guys? Trying anything new?

I want to just take 15 minutes a day to have fun with my family. I have such a hard time putting down my to-do list constantly running in my head.

Oh man, I hear you. It is my constant struggle in motherhood. I didn’t think it would be so hard but when there’s dishes in the sink and stuff to be done, I have a really hard time turning it off! So that is awesome that you’re doing something proactive about it!

Yes, but it’s just one choice you are making, you know? Play a game for a few minutes instead of doing those pesky dishes. They aren’t going anywhere!

They are not. And I always used to think that I’ll relax with my family after I get all my “stuff” done, but I realized that I will never actually get to the bottom of that list. So I might as well stop and have a little fun moment. Like today we played Peanuts (card game)!!!

Games are so good for family bonding!

So good! So you shifted the order of your to-do list to put your time with family higher on the list, huh?

Oh yeah! I guess I did!

I am kinda trying something like that too right now when it comes to bedtime. It started because we just didn’t feel like we had enough intentional time with our girls.

Is there ever enough of that?!

Ha, no. But we decided we needed to do something about it, and especially at bedtime because that is never the best time in the day for us. Our plan that we started last week is that my husband lays with one child for 10 minutes and me with the other, and then vise versa for 10 minutes.

What a great idea! I bet they love that. And I bet you guys will really get to know about their little lives so well.

Plus you won’t lose your mind waiting for just one child to go to bed!

It’s just interesting that we all have these little changes and even when they are not done perfectly, they’re making a difference in our lives. Your change might not be what I need to do and my changes aren’t what you need. But these small adjustments accomplish the same things for each of us.

So we’re all just moving toward being connected with our families and with the person that we want to be, and even more connected with God, one baby step at a time.

Soaking in the Truth
Scripture to encourage you:
- “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy, I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” John 10:10 NIV
- “…being confident of this that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6, NIV
Music to inspire you:
- “I Am Who You Say I Am” by Hillsong
- “He Who Began a Good Work In You” by Steve Green This is a crazy old school song, but it’s good!
- “Courageous” by Casting Crowns
- “Here Again” by Elevation Worship
Readings and Resources to come alongside of you:
- “Small shifts in your thinking, and small changes in your energy, can lead to massive alterations of your end result.”― Kevin Michel, Moving Through Parallel Worlds To Achieve Your Dreams
- Quarter Turns: Small Shifts, Big Impact by Tim Furlong
Related Posts on Texting The Truth:
Living Out the Truth
Ideas to try:
- I (Laura) have been realizing lately that I tend to make these big, almost grandiose plans. I see how I want my life to be or even just how I want my week to be, and I write down this whole list of how to accomplish that. I don’t take into consideration that it would be IMPOSSIBLE to actually do everything on that list. Basically I’m setting myself up for failure. I see that something needs to shift so I can scale way back in the big plans department, if you know what I mean. If you’re like me, maybe you could join me in praying for wisdom to take it slow and small. When I’m tempted to plan too far ahead, I’m asking God to remind me in that moment to stop and have wisdom about what He wants me to do. He wants to bring my life into fullness, He doesn’t want me to do it myself because I can’t. I’m praying that He will show me something small that He will help me to do. And then I’m going to ask how He wants me to do that small thing. Like with clearing off my table. I might clear it off at 10:30p.m. right before bed. But if I’m too tired, I’m going to receive grace to clear it off at 7:00a.m. before the boys come down for breakfast.
Treasured Products we love:
- Magnetic Refrigerator Whiteboard — make a shift to organize your meals!
- Family Games — make a shift to have a little fun with your family every day! Othello (ages 7+); Cranium Family Edition (ages 8+); Sculpt It! (ages 5+ https://amzn.to/2T4O9Rt); Don’t Break the Ice! (ages 3+). You can always grab a deck of cards too! Sometimes we leave a deck of cards out on the table, and someone will just see it out and start a game.
- Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day Multi-Surface Everyday Cleaner, Lemon Verbena — make a shift to keep that table or counter clean!
- Wireless Earbuds — make a shift to listen while you do housework or work out, to make it more enjoyable!
- Chicken Pot Pie Crescent Braid — make a shift to try a new recipe for dinner.
- Jesus Calling — make a shift to spend some time with God.
{These suggestions are ideas from novice moms. Sometimes our life situations need more.
In that case, seeking out professional help is the right call.}