Today we are excited to welcome Meghan Weyerbacher to our Texting The Truth community.

Hi! This is a selfie I took with my kids right before we headed out to their school to attend the fall festivities. This was a brave thing for my son and me. We are more introverted and he gets a tad overwhelmed in crowded areas with noise, but over the past few months we have been getting out of our comfort zones and reaping the benefits. In this photo we were celebrating our bravery and wound up having a blast!

I love that you are modeling for him what it looks like to be brave and trust God to provide in the midst of the uncomfortable thing. So cool!
Do you wear any other hats in addition to your [big, gigantic, hugely significant] Mom Hat?

I am a productivity coach for creatives who deal with overwhelm. I am wife and sidekick to an awesome trucker. I write on my blog and I’m on Facebook , Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.

Wow, a productivity coach! I want to hear more about that! Tell us about your kiddos!

My oldest, Matthew, is almost 12. He is a creative innovator, constantly designing and building. His brain is always running full speed. His problem solving skills are out of this world. He will share deep truths that make my mama eyes well up with tears. My middle child, Launa, is almost 10. She is a helper at heart and has leadership qualities that we hope to see blossom over time. She volunteers at the nursing home, plays basketball, and also loves to sing. My youngest, Taylor, is almost 6. She is a free-spirited creative. She loves to use her imagination to play and loves to sing and dance. She loves to help me in the kitchen!

They sound so sweet and fun. I know it may not always feel so victorious all of the time, but it sounds like you’ve invested a lot of time, energy and prayer into who they are. ?So tell us – what is a recent mom win you experienced that took time and perseverance to accomplish?

Just this school year we transitioned from home school to public school. It was a big thing for me to learn to let go in this area where for so long I had “control.” We heard God lead us this way, and it took about a year before the door actually opened and we walked through. But doing it afraid has showed us how awesome God’s plans can be. He has showed up in every detail, and through this experience our faith has shot through the roof. Even the kids see God working in it all, which is louder than any preached sermon. It is still not our comfort zone, but we now see why it was so necessary for our family’s growth!

I love that you said, “doing it afraid.” I talk to my girls about the truth that we can be afraid but still brave, and you are living that out. I bet there have been so many lessons in your life as a mom and in watching your kids navigate this journey!
What is a mom win that you would text your best friend?

Just spent all day around other humans! (Confessions of an introvert) Aren’t you proud of me?!?!?!

Hahaha. And all of the introverts said AMEN. ??
What are you learning as a mom right now?

The hardest things we face, our greatest weaknesses — can wind up becoming our greatest testimonies. Getting out and applying for jobs while my kids are in school, writing without holding back everything in fear, getting out of my four walls more often — used to scare the liver out of me. I am learning the more you face the fear, the less grip it has on you. You can be stretched and molded for God’s glory!

I can really tell that you are learning this because it’s all over your writing and I love it! Thank you for sharing your heart and encouraging all of us to take a few more steps outside of our comfort zone in order to face our fears and trust God in the process. ?

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