I’m so thrilled to welcome my dear friend, Laura Batta to the blog today to share her experience that fits perfectly with our discussion this week. So happy you’re here, Laura! Can you share a pic with everyone so they can see your cute fam?

Glad to be here too!
This picture is my family celebrating my 35th birthday at McAllister’s. I find that I don’t have a lot of normal smiling pictures of myself with my family, because I have to go to the extreme to get my girls to smile!

Hahaha. I love it. That is true #momlife right there! Will you tell everyone a little more about them?

I have two daughters. My eldest L, is 6 going on 16. She just started full day Kindergarten and is a natural. She is a typical eldest child that likes routine, being in charge, and jealous for my time. Yet, she loves her quiet time playing with Legos, pretending, and dancing. My littlest C, is 2 going on 6. She is a self proclaimed “big girl” and so very much wants to do everything her sister does. If you have heard of the poem about the little girl, with the little curl…that is totally her. She keeps us on our toes, but is extremely empathetic and knows how to find the perfect cuddle spot. Daily she is expressing her wish for a baby sister…

Aw, love them and their fun personalities. And a baby sister, eh?! ?
What are you up to these days, especially since both of your girls are in {at least a bit of} school now?

I was a teacher for 6 years before I stayed home. Currently I am helping teach Bible stories with my mom, once a month, as “Dazzle Bright” at my daughter’s preschool. I also serve at church in our mom’s group and in the high school ministry.

I love watching you use your gifts and passions so well! Speaking of gifts (since you’re a great cook!), what is your favorite simple meal to throw together?

My family is Italian so I always have sauce, pasta, garlic and parmesan in my pantry. Therefore Chicken Parm is a repeat at our house. The difference is i don’t bread it…just cover it with sauce and cheese and garlic, bake, then serve over pasta. It’s the one dish my girls will eat all up. ?

Yum, I’ll need to try that! ? So I know we talk a lot about mothering together, but what would you say is a recent experience that has challenged your mothering?

Well, as you know, L started full-day Kindergarten, and my type-A tendency of wanting to know everything and be in control has certainly been challenged. I have been praying for her teacher, her friends she will make, but most of all I have prayed about how she will be a friend to others. At some point in the past few weeks, I have let that go of my tight-grip worry about these things. ? Isn’t that parenting in a nutshell? God gives us these babies to love on and care for, but they are His. He has a story for my daughters and I have to let them live it without me clinging to their every movement. At the same time, I do want to keep teaching them those big truths along the way…my job isn’t totally void.

Yes!! That is motherhood in a nutshell! I can so relate with everything you have said as you know mine has just started K too! So what is a big truth you have been sharing with her?

The biggest truth that I have tried to establish with both my daughters is that everyone is different, and we have to be kind to EVERYONE! Even when they look different, act different, or are being unkind to us.
My 22-year-old sister has been a testimony and an example of that in my own life, and now to my daughters. She was born with Down Syndrome, and later diagnosed as autistic as well. I was 13-years-old and my life as a teenager was rocked when she was born. I quickly learned who my friends were based on how they reacted to my new family dynamic. Despite what others may see as “hard” and “unfair”–yes, it was those things sometimes–but it was a total blessing for my family. Through my sister we have learned what unconditional love means.?
My brother and I never saw our sister as different…just extremely special and unique. I remember when people would stare in a grocery store, and my mom wouldn’t yell at them, she would just smile and say, “Hi! Her name is Kara! She loves to dance and sing…do you?” Instead of highlighting what was different about her, she would highlight to them what was the same…something that could create a connection. Today my daughters love their aunt. She may make silly motions, not be able to hold a conversation with them, or take them shopping like all their other aunts do…but they know their aunt. They know she loves them. They know she loves music just like they do. They know she dances with them and gives them big hugs like no-one else does. They see the light and love from my sister, not the differences.
So, as I sent L off to school, I reminded her of her aunt. There are going to be different people, but we all are. Reach out with a smile and be kind. ?

I love every bit of this. I have been having this discussion with my girls as well but I love how you put that. Will you also share what you commented on Jen’s post about special needs kids earlier this week?

Well, I said that the biggest truth I have presented to my daughters is that my sister loves just like we do…loves friends, to play, laugh…you just need to reach out and not see ‘different’ because we are all different…but instead see a wonderful opportunity to love and be unique.?

This is so good. It makes me think of even when I had cancer and although I definitely had unique circumstances, I longed to connect with my friends on the things we still had in common. I love thinking about this when it comes to those in our lives who are different than us. Thank you for sharing this amazing truth. ?
Anything else to share before we go?

I would just encourage the moms reading to embrace your story! I am living on the words of Jennie Allen, when she recently posted, “Don’t miss your story because you are afraid of it not being great enough.” Whatever your story is…as a stay-at-home mom, working mom, etc. Step into, lean into and live what God is calling you to do!! It is good!

YES. I need to tattoo that to my forehead. Such good truth. Thanks for sharing your experience today. We are definitely better because of it! ?