Today in our Moms in Progress series, we have the privilege of featuring my friend, Carrie Taaca!

Hi! Thanks for having me!

Can you share a photo of your family with us?

Here is one that was taken this past Christmas. My husband has a collection of tacky suits.?

I love this photo! Your husband’s holiday enthusiasm is quite evident. Haha. How old are your girls?

My older daughter is 9 years old and just finished third grade; and my younger one is 4 years old in preschool.

Aw, those are fun ages!
Do you wear any other hats in addition to your [big, gigantic, hugely significant] mom hat?

I work from home managing our safety company, Safety First, in Jacksonville, FL (https://safetyfirstjacksonville.com/). We offer Community CPR, Basic First Aid, Babysitting Safety and other safety courses to businesses, groups and individuals. I manage our business and am the sole person behind the scenes – communicating with clients, doing the marketing, handling the finances, directing our instructors, etc. It is a lot of work and I only have a dedicated 3-4 hours per day to work without my kids around. In addition to this, I am also a Norwex Independent Sales Consultant, helping spread the word about an easy way to clean that gets the chemicals out of the home and helps families save money. (If you haven’t heard of Norwex yet, look it up. It’s AMAZING . . . a busy mom’s best friend!) Just go to my Norwex web site to browse or shop….and hit me up if you’d like to host an online party and earn some product for free!

It can be such a challenge to find time to work without interruptions. You must have excellent time management skills, to say the least!
What is your favorite book, podcast, or blog?

True Crime books are my guilty pleasure; however, I also like Christian authors such as Francine Rivers, Cynthia Ruchti, Chris Fabry, Charles Martin and more. (What a combination, haha….crime and Christianity!)

I am the same way! A mom needs an adult topic or two to balance out all of the Nick Jr. and Disney Channel content in her life! ?
What’s your favorite mom product?

Hmm….I think I have blocked out the baby and young toddler years because I am drawing a blank on this one. I guess I would say this Graco convertible stroller. I liked being able to pop the carrier part of the carseat out with my sleeping baby in it and then connect it to the stroller without having to move and wake said sleeping baby. That plus binkies….LOTS of binkies for my youngest. We made so many trips to stores late at night or at other inopportune times to buy more binkies. Where do those things disappear to, anyway?

I know, right? Perhaps, the Bermuda Triangle?
What is the last thing you made for dinner or your favorite simple meal to throw together?

The last thing I made for dinner was Trim Zuppa Toscana from the Trim Healthy Mama cookbook. My husband loves soups! (And this is a healthy version!)

That sounds yummy!?
Can you share with us a recent experience that has challenged your mothering?

My biggest mothering challenge, that has been going on since my first daughter was born, is my own health issues. I have an autoimmune disease called Hashimoto’s. This condition affects each person differently, but for me it results in fatigue, headaches, depression and anxiety, among other things. I have to rest a lot and generally have low energy. This does not bode well with having young kids. (Mine are 4 and 9 right now and are very strong-willed, high-energy girls.) So, I am often challenged with having both the physical and mental energy to discipline as well as I would like, as our daughters have both been challenging me and my husband in different age-related ways lately. Sometimes I am just too tired to do battle.

I’m sure every mom can relate to that struggle. What has God been teaching you through the challenges of your autoimmune disease?

I am comforted by remembering that God knows my struggles and He made ME their mom, not someone else. I am equipped to give my girls what they need, even in the midst of my health struggles or limitations. Despite my perceived weaknesses, I have strengths, too, that no one else can give my children the same way that I can. I try to focus on those things.

That’s a great reminder!
What is the funniest thing your kids have said or done recently?

My youngest likes to tell us, “You’re fired!” when she doesn’t like something we do or say. She also gets mad at me sometimes when I don’t give her the answer she wants and she says, “Then, I’m not gonna be your mommy anymore!” And then she gets even more mad when I say, “That’s fine, because Grandma is my mommy.”

Do you have any general words of encouragement for other moms in the trenches like you?

No one is the perfect mom with the perfect life. Do the best you can with what you have in order to honor God with your parenting. He knows your strengths, weaknesses and struggles and He knows what your children need. Trust Him and don’t be discouraged.

Do you have a story to tell? Would you like to be featured in a future Moms in Progress post? Just click here and answer a few questions to share the details of your story. We will do the rest!