I hate to complain, but has anyone ever had to change the sheets on bunk beds?

No, but I can imagine…? Changing sheets is one of my least favorite chores! It’s like the sheets and I are in a wrestling match every time! LOL


And then you get a kid or two who wants to “help” with the sheets. Getting a fitted sheet on a mattress with a kid on it is not my idea of fun!

No! No fun at all! Plus, I always end up sweating! And while the drops roll down my back, I try to recruit the four year olds to toss me the pillows and the 1 million stuffed animals they need to have in bed with them to me. They end up rolling around on the floor. I start to feel annoyed and then mad because no one is helping me do this task that drives me insane, and then before you know it, one of the twins hits his head on the toy chest, I hit my head on the ceiling fan on the way down the ladder for the 9th time and everyone is a mess!

Whoa girl! I am exhausted just thinking about all that! Glad I don’t have bunk beds now. ?

Ha, yes, you should be… but this isn’t the only chore I could complain about. But the truth is, I hate that I feel so annoyed at the chores (laundry, dishes, etc). I hate complaining about things I feel like I should be grateful for. Where does this grumbling come from?

Like…why do I have to wash all of those dirty dishes in the sink that I used to cook all the food I was able to make?! (I hope you sense my sarcasm!?)

I totally hear you. I have found that I get really grumpy whenever I even LOOK at a pile of laundry. And doing it, well… let’s just say I have impressed MYSELF at my ability to procrastinate on the laundry. I just always feel like it is never. never. ending. I inherited this from my parents – it is hanging in our bathroom:

Ha! They make a good point…

Love that! And I understand that my house is soooo not going to be perfect. And the nature of chores is continuous. But if I understand that, why am I so whiny about it all?

Hard question, because I know too – we “should” be grateful for everything we have. And sometimes I am. But most of the time, I probably need an attitude adjustment.

Well, without God’s help, I don’t think I can.? I’m not sure we necessarily have to love doing every task (I mean, God gave us preferences, after all!), but we don’t have to take on a negative attitude.

How do we make that U-turn on a daily basis?

Hmm…another good question. Because I don’t really love changing the sheets…So if we are saying that it is unrealistic to enjoy some of our tasks where does that leave my heart? I think I am struck by the fact that my heart is reflected in my whining. What’s that scripture? From the mouth, that heart speaks or something? (Luke 6:45)

But does that mean that we have to like our chores?

I have always correlated liking something with being grateful for something, but maybe that’s not totally true? I mean, do I expect my children to like picking up their toys? What do I say to the boys when they start whining?

We tell them they don’t have to like it! But that they need to be responsible in caring for what they have. Oh, and have a grateful heart for it too. Yet, that’s easier said than done.

Exactly! So what do we tell ourselves?

I think it’s important to focus on the circumstances around the chores, and maybe that will help change our attitudes and our hearts. I don’t have to like the dirty dishes in the sink, because God knows I’d rather never wash a dish again, but I am thankful for the delicious food I get to enjoy that produced those dishes and I’m especially grateful for the time I get to spend around the table with family and friends while enjoying the food made with those dishes. And if I choose to reflect on those circumstances, it makes me feel a little less negative and more neutral about the dishes waiting for me in the sink.

So instead of willing my attitude to change from negative to positive, maybe I could focus on what my heart is truly grateful for. My heart is so grateful to God for my home and warm cozy places for my boys to sleep. And because they share a room, they are building special memories that will last their lifetime. That makes me so thankful.

And I’m thankful my family is well dressed! And that they have many opportunities to get messy!

Right. So if my heart is focused on that while I wrestle the sheets, my attitude will follow suit. That seems like an easier shift to make. Grateful for my circumstances, family, friends, and taking the chores and the to-do’s more in-stride. Thanks, ladies!

Soaking in the Truth
Scripture to encourage you:
- “As for those who do have riches in the present world, charge them not to be proud and not to let their hopes rest on the uncertainties of riches but to rest their hopes on God, who richly provides us with all things for our enjoyment. Charge them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, to be generous and ready to share. In this way they will treasure up for themselves a good foundation for the future, so that they may lay hold of the real life.” 1 Timothy 6:17-19
- “Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that yo may be blameless and pure children of God, without defect in the midst of a twisted and perverted generation, among whom you shine like stars in the sky.” Philippians 2:14-15
- “We pray that you will be continually strengthened with all the power that comes from his glorious might so that you will be able to persevere and be patient in any situation, joyfully giving thanks to the Father for having made you fit to share in the inheritance of his people in the light.” Colossians 1:11-12
Music to inspire you:
- Do Everything by Steven Curtis Chapman
- “Do Everything Without Complaining” by Steve Green (This is a song for our kids and it’s featured on our Treasured Products page. Please note: we know it’s a bit cheesy.?)
Readings to come alongside of you:
- 8 Tips for Getting Kids to Do Chores {without complaining} by Jenn from The Purposeful Mom
- How to Turnaround a Downhill Day by Arlene Pellicane on Proverbs 31 Ministries (This one is about gratefulness in general, not necessarily about chores.)
- Play music while you are doing your chores. It’s harder to grumble while your are singing! I actually do this for my boys as a challenge. I’ll say, let’s see if we can clean this room up by the time 3 songs are finished or something. (Translated to moms: I’m going to work on these dishes for 3 songs and then the rest will be done tomorrow!)
- Take to heart that image in Anna’s bathroom from above. It’s a hard thing to accept, but it might help put chores in perspective to what is really important– our faith and our families.