I did it! I got to bed before midnight last night.?

Katie, that’s awesome! What’s the secret sauce? I’d love to get to bed earlier.

Ha! I wish I knew a fool proof secret! Getting to bed earlier has been a struggle for me for quite some time. But I have been feeling lately that God wants me to make it a priority.

I totally get that. I feel like there’s so much to do and I don’t get to start on the chores until late.

Agreed ! I feel like the days are packed with taking care of the kids and different activities or commitments.? I sooo enjoy the peaceful quiet that settles over the house after I put the kids to bed at night. Not to mention that’s the only time I have to actually get anything done.

Exactly! Those precious few hours after the kids’ bedtime is when my husband and I get to hang out. And when I can tackle those pesky chores. Laundry. Dishes (ugh, the dishes!). Need I go on?

Oh, my daily battle with the dishes!!!?

Maybe I’ll switch us to paper products forever.? That will solve one problem, haha.

Yes, free up one space on that never-ending to-do list! That’s what has hit me, though – because the to-do list seems to never end, I just stay up later and later working on different things …

Right, and before I know it, I’m up too late and then I’m too tired and I wake up cranky and I am short-fused and I take it out on the kids and then it’s a downward spiral. Am I the only one?

Sounds like mornings at my house! I was waking up tired every morning. And then I was snapping at my kids while I was feeding them breakfast and trying to rush everyone through the morning routine of getting dressed and brushing teeth and out the door on time. Not the way I wanted our mornings to look!?

What did you decide to do differently?

Well, I realized I had to change SOMEthing! For me, my ideal night sleep would be 7 ½ hours. Lofty goal, but I set a bedtime for myself to be able to get that much sleep. Some nights I make it and some I don’t, but a helpful first step for me was at least stating the goal!?

That’s smart! Creating concrete goals give you something practical to do, not some general desire. So it’s like a cutoff time. What happens when you don’t get everything done by then? I struggle to relax if my chores aren’t done and bedtime is fast approaching.

I’ve been *trying* to prioritize what actually has to get done each night and what can wait until the next day. I’ve found I have to let go of some things in order to stick to an earlier bedtime. Sometimes dirty dishes stay in the sink and emails go unanswered.

You’re right, though. Would I prefer clean dishes when I come downstairs over a smoother and calmer morning with my kiddos? Probably not. Everything may seem like they’re equal on the priority scale but they’re really not.

Right! And when I remember the benefit of waking up more rested is better interactions with my kids in the morning, it makes it easier to stick to the bedtime goal.

I have not perfected our mornings but I do try to prepare for the next day as much as I can the night before, like pack lunches and put backpacks by the back door. (It must be nice to be a child and have no concept of time!) If I’m as prepared as I can be, it’s easier to relax and fall asleep at my appointed bedtime. I think the main thing is I just need to let some things go, like you were saying: priorities.

And God has been showing me that I need to make my personal health a priority in order to allow Him to help me be the kind of mom He wants me to be for my kids in the morning. Letting go of the to-do list at night and going to sleep is a way of showing Him I trust Him to provide what I need for the next day.

So true! Sleep is like our daily bread. We can’t save up for the future or pull from our reserve because there isn’t one. When we stress and busy ourselves and try to do all the things and sacrifice our sleep, we’re acting out of fear and that doesn’t lead to good health or good relationships.

It’s time to set my bedtime alarm for 11pm. Hold me to it!

Way to go! Just forget those dishes; they’ll be there in the morning – I guarantee it.?

Soaking in the Truth
Scripture to encourage you:
- “In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat— for he grants sleep to those he loves.” (Psalm 127:2, NIV)
- “being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 1:6, NIV)
- “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” (Colossians 3:12, NIV)
- “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30, NIV)
Music to inspire you:
- “He Who Began a Good Work In You” by Steve Green
- “Take a Moment” by United Pursuit, Will Reagan
Readings and Resources to come alongside of you:
- God Wants You to Get Some Sleep by Kate Shellnutt
- Three Reasons to Get Some Sleep by Jonathan Parnell
These articles not only point out how lack of sleep negatively affects our physical and emotional health, but also reminded me that sleep is an act of humility and shows trust in God for protection and provision.
Related Posts on Texting The Truth:
- Small Shifts: Paper Plates and Good Books
- Small Shifts: Let’s Do this Together
- Small Shifts, Significant Impacts
Living Out the Truth
Ideas to try:
- I (Katie) have tried to set a daily alarm on my phone to remind me it is time to get ready to go to bed. I’ve also been trying to make to-do lists that separate what tasks need to be finished today versus which ones can wait until tomorrow or later in the week. That helps me prioritize my time and be able to have a “stopping point” for the day and go to sleep!
- I (Virginia) prepare for the next day as much as I can the night before. I fix lunches, place backpacks by the door, and place outgoing mail by my purse. The preparation allows me to relax once I’m finally in bed because I don’t have those tasks waiting for me in the morning.
- Keep a notepad and pen on your nightstand. When those little to-do list items pop up, jot them down. You’ll be relieved to get them out of your head and you won’t forget them.
{These suggestions are ideas from novice moms. Sometimes our life situations need more.
In that case, seeking out professional help is the right call.}