When Hormones Hit


I hate PMS. I want a day off from life! ???

I am so emotional, I’m SO irritated, and I feel horrible. Shouldn’t I have a grip on dealing with this by now?


Ohh, a day off where we can just close the blinds and stay in bed all day sounds sooo nice, especially during certain times of the month! ?


I am always surprised by my lack of self-control during that time of the month!  I mean, really, how old am I?  How many cycles have I had, and I still take it out my unreasonable emotions on those around me?

I do wish that no one was around to lose it on for a day (or two!).


I know, but everyone needs me. Life keeps going and the household revolves around me keeping it together.


I feel ya, Anna. It can be a hard on a normal day to feel like everything depends on you running the household, not to mention the days when you’re feeling really depleted but you have to keep going. #momlife


How in the world do I keep on going when my emotions are running on high? How do I keep my cool when I step on a high-heel Barbie shoe, bare-footed, which is now stabbing into the bottom of my foot, while my daughter is yelling, “Get off my Barbie shoe, Mom!” ?


No!!!!!! Not a Barbie shoe! That’s all you need when you are feeling emotional- physical pain!


I feel like I will either melt into a puddle of tears or scream (maybe BOTH). That’s not who I want to be, once a month, every month. Got any better ideas? How do you deal with it?


I wonder if we should try something: Maybe on the days where it feels like it’s all up to us, what if we scheduled time away for a bit to do something that is energizing for us? Not always doable, I know, but maybe reminding ourselves and our family that the home really will keep marching on without us. Yes, it won’t be as neat and they may not be on time or eat as healthy, but they will be okay.

I remember hearing that “C+ is okay,” and part of my exhaustion is I have only let myself operate at an “A.” I don’t give myself room to “C+ it.” So maybe that’s what we should do next time we are feeling this way–let C+ be enough for the day or even week, go to bed early, and take care of ourselves!


Aw….yes. I think we moms forget to take care of ourselves! Sometimes I just need a reminder to take my vitamins and take a breather!


You know, I think being emotional and having a bad day, isn’t such a bad thing. Of course, I can only say this because I am not experiencing my emotions in full force today. ? Our kids sometimes have bad days too.  At the end of the day, I have the opportunity to go to my children and apologize for my poor behavior.  I don’t have to give them the whys behind my attitude or emotions, but I can acknowledge to them that I behaved with a lack of self-control.  I can say to Jesse, I’m sorry mommy said, “____.”  I thought about what was right, but I chose to say what was wrong.  Please forgive me.  


You are right, Laura. We are only human. C+ it and apologize for the rest! And that is ENOUGH.


Soaking in the Truth


Scripture to encourage you:

    • “Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him.” Psalm 62:1
    • “The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.” Exodus 14:14

Music to inspire you:


Readings to come alongside of you:

Living Out the Truth


Ideas to try:

    • Try to get enough sleep when you have PMS, or even extra sleep, if you can.


{These suggestions are ideas from novice moms. Sometimes our life situations need more. In that case, seeking out professional help is the right call.}


About Michelle Warner

The truth about me is that I love spending time with people–whether it be with moms in MOPS, students in writing camps, friends in my supper club, or family on our patio. And if you combine people and words, I am definitely in my happy place. One of my most favorite moments is sitting around a table with the people I love sharing deep conversations about life. Inviting people into our home and pulling out my fancy dishes invigorates me, though tackling the hand-wash pile in my sink does quite the opposite. (Sorry, Hubby. I’ll get to those soon!) I’m learning to enjoy the people in my life without feeling the need to prove myself or always make them happy. God continues to teach me that when I find what I need in Him rather than the perfectly-cooked chicken or the perfectly-timed word, I have a security that can’t be shaken. And that’s a good thing since my hard-working husband and I have two very determined little girls who keep us on our toes!