As a mom, you may not have qualified for the Rio Olympics, but you certainly deserve a spot on the podium in our eyes. There are no “perfect scores” in motherhood, but if you had a discipline breakthrough, managed a meltdown, or found time in your day to pursue a dream, then we want to take a moment and celebrate alongside you. Even the little “victories” add up to be big wins in the long run; so let’s champion each other. After all, we’re on the same team.

Today we’re featuring the talented, Ashlynn Witt!

Hey everyone! This is my family. My husband, Michael, our daughter, Nora, and our son, Gideon. We love babywearing and taking walks as a family. And, since you can’t see Gideon’s face in our family selfie, I added another of him. Because, let’s be honest, who wants to miss out on those cheeks and that smile?

Definitely not me ?! Those are some cute kids!
Tell us about any other hats you wear in addition to your [big, gigantic, hugely significant] Mom Hat?

In addition to my “mom hat”, I also run a blog called Connecting Through Paper. It is a blog to help people who sponsor children through Compassion International write their sponsored children. There is an easy to print off themed packet with stationery, coloring pages and activities. We just started a year long journey learning more about each of the Twelve Disciples. I also run a little sewing business called The Whimsical Witts. I make dress up aprons, felt keychains, Scrabble pillow cases and more. I have a page on Facebook where people can look at and purchase items.

Awesome stuff! I know first hand that your blog materials have helped so many people connect deeper with their Compassion International kids. And your hand crafted items are so adorable! I’ve been eyeing those dress up aprons…just waiting on my daughter to start showing an affinity for a particular cartoon character ?!
Could you share with us a recent mom win you experienced that took time and perseverance to accomplish?

This took me a long time, almost three years to figure out. Recently, I have been making a priority to have time to myself. It almost seems silly but when I first became a mom I always felt guilty for admitting that I needed time to myself. I felt guilty that I was leaving Nora, that I was leaving Michael with her after a long day of work and I felt like an all around failure. I would go months with barely any alone time (even though my husband always encouraged me to) and then I would have a huge breakdown. We have a YMCA membership and I have started taking my kids three days a week. I put them in child watch and go have time to myself. Sometimes I workout, sometimes I read, sometimes I do nothing. It is great. I also run errands by myself on Saturday mornings which is super awesome. I am so much more patient with my kids, I am more productive in other parts of my life and I am generally happier.

I think many moms can relate to that guilt about having alone time! I know I can! I’ve been known to take advantage of the childcare at my gym for just a little alone time as well ?!
What’s a mom win that you would text your best friend?

Gideon just started signing back to us! Sign language was a huge part of Nora growing up. She knows over 300 signs and still signs to us even though she can speak very well. Gideon signs “more” and “all done” right now and we are so excited to go on this journey with him as well.

That’s impressive! Way to go Gideon!! Sign language is something we are utilizing a ton in our household as well and it’s been huge in opening some doors to communication.
To wrap up, do you have any words of encouragement to share with other moms in the trenches of this whole motherhood thing?

I have really been sitting in Isaiah 41:10 recently. It says:
So do not fear, I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Our world wants us to be fearful of just about everything – our kids getting stolen, everything we feed them is going to kill them, and on and on – and our world tells us we have to do it on our own – don’t ask for help, only show your perfect side. I have been learning more and more from God that He is on my side and He will protect me and my family. He will give me strength when I think I have none. I will not stay upright by my own accord, but by Him holding me. I do not have to live in fear or do it on my own because He has promised to be with me always. It isn’t always easy and I forget a lot but God continues to remind me.

Truth! Awesome words to end on! I know I’ll be spending some time soaking in Isaiah 41:10.
Thanks so much for sharing YOU with us today, Ashlynn!

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