Today we’d like to introduce you to Bethany Hoogland! Bethany, first can you tell us about the pictures you’ve shared with us?

Yes! Hi, everyone! I’m Bethany, and this is my husband, Ryan, and our two kids: Addison (5) and Aiden (17 months).
The second picture is just me at home playing with my kids… I love to capture our fun, quiet, special moments on camera. I also take a snapshot with my heart during moments like these, but just in case I forget (which I hope I never do), I wish to remember most the laughter and exploring God’s creation.

It is so good to capture those special moments whenever you can!
Do you wear any other hats in addition to your [big, gigantic, hugely significant] Mom Hat?

How about cook, maid and nurse? That’s just the first three that came to mind that I have no degree in but practice daily ?. I am a wife and a preschool teacher (but not after this week–which I will explain more later). I’m an amateur photographer (just starting to photograph weddings and hoping to get more business), and I am a mixed medium artist.

Ah! That explains the pretty black and white photo you shared above!
Tell us about more about your kids.

Addison is beautiful, smart, funny, and very into Legos and her hamster. She talks almost everyday about wanting to be a veterinarian. And, she also challenges me daily.
Aiden is cute, goofy, and sports are probably in his future since he is obsessed with balls! He is a joy to us all and makes me laugh daily. Both he and Addie are blonde, blue-eyed beauties (but I may be a bit biased).

I would agree with that! And they look just like their mama!
Can you tell us about a recent mom win you experienced?

I would love to say I opened my own store or launched a new product like some of the past moms you’ve featured, but the truth is that my recent “mom win” would be resigning from my current job. I was been blessed with the opportunity to work at my church as a children’s worship leader, preschool teacher, and chalk board artist, but I recently realized I needed to take a step back to focus on my family. I didn’t like the stressed-out person that my job had turned me into, or the lack of time I spent with God. The dishes, laundry, and the two cats and dog we own missed me too!
I loved doing what I did to help further God’s Kingdom through the preschool, but I found there is also power in being able to humble yourself and say, “I can’t do everything.”

Yes! I bet that was a tough decision. I know I’ve struggled with that myself over the past year! It’s definitely good to lean in and listen to what God wants for each season of life.
What is a mom win that you would text your best friend?

So along these same lines, I have recently allowed myself to take down-time from time to time! It’s so important to do, but easy to forget. Especially when you are still getting up at night with your little one (which I am), you need to dial in some time to rest and recoup–however and whenever you can.

So true!
Any words of encouragement for other moms in the trenches like you?

Breathe… Forgive yourself and seek God throughout it all! He is always there for us and He is in the trenches with us, protecting us from the mud Satan likes to throw and cover you with. Shake it off! Keep pushing toward what God wants for your life.

Love that! Shake it off, mommas! Thank you, Bethany, for sharing a bit of your story with us today.

If you would like to be featured as a Gold Medal Mom or you know someone who would, please contact us here!
Bethany, your mom tells me what an excellent cook you are. Even with juggling all those things you listed, i find that inspiring. I am glad you weighed things out and are happy with your reduced schedule to allow more time for rest and reflection with God. I truly believe God provides. Blessings to you.
Wow, Denise thanks so much for your kind words…yes cooking is a passion of mine, I love to try new recipes, techniques and spices. I would love to travel the world no experience different culture no cusine.