We’d like to welcome Julie Vernon today! Julie, share a picture with us that gives us a glimpse into your life.

This photo makes me laugh every.single.time I look at it. The gingers were sick and we had been homebound over the holidays, and my uncle sent us these fun glasses to lift our spirits. I try to look at parenting through those same funny lenses— there’s always a humorous moment, a realization, or a teaching amidst the frustrations and stresses of raising a family.

That picture is AWESOME! I love your outlook on parenting. Do you wear any other hats in addition to your [big, gigantic, hugely significant] Mom Hat?

Nope, although the old me was a high school English teacher. I still cling to that work title even though I haven’t taught in ten years.

I think that once you’re a teacher and you’ve survived that tough role, you can claim it until the day you die! I have lots of respect for teachers. You’re being a little modest though, because I know you write on a blog over at Sprinkles of Ginger, which is a hilarious look at your daily life with your red-headed brood! Speaking of, tell us about your kids!

I have four gingers– they didn’t stand a chance for anything other than red hair. Ginger4 (10), Ginger3 (7), Ginger2 (6) and the Littlest Ginger (4). We live a chaotic life of running from one event to the next, but we laugh a lot in between. Ginger1 was a preemie, born at 26 weeks at 1 LB, 12 oz due to a ruptured and infected placenta. Her story is God’s story and we are humbled by all He provided during our months in the NICU and beyond. Ginger3 and Ginger2’s pregnancies were monitored heavily with constant doctor visits and home health care– injectable medicine I came to trust was my life saver. When I grew allergic to the injectable, I wasn’t allowed that piece of my treatment anymore, and Ginger4’s pregnancy and healthy delivery was God’s way of helping free me from any mommy guilt I carried from the first stressful (but not avoidable) preterm birth. I learned I was, in fact, capable of a successful pregnancy from start to finish. Thank God!

That’s a great story about how God used your pregnancies for His good. Tell us about a recent mom win you experienced that took time and perseverance to accomplish.

I forgot the tooth fairy three nights in a row; on the fourth morning I woke up at 6am, freaking out, grabbed $2 and shoved it under her pillow and while doing so, woke her up. She was upset there was no fancy note. With my hand still under her pillow, I said, “At least you didn’t get a Euro like your sister got last time!”
I felt relief knowing Operation Tooth Fairy was successful until I got an email from her teacher saying: “Breaking news! Your ginger is so excited! She lost another tooth this morning! She is excited to give it to the Tooth Fairy tonight!”
Argh– here we go again! She must have told her teachers about her failing fairy, so they made her a door sign to help the tooth fairy get her act together. The stress is “fairy” real.

Hahaha! That line about the Euro is too funny :). I’m bracing myself for this next question – What is a mom win that you would text your best friend?

I plunge every toilet at least once a day. This is the second time a ginger has pooped so big, it sits sideways in the toilet and doesn’t flush down. (Gross, right?) So Paul just leaves it, hoping it will succumb to the water around it and melt away (he doesn’t like getting his plunger dirty— trust me, it’s another story for another day). In the meantime, the house smells like poop. I had a new first in my life as a parent, and in my life period… I had to take a wooden stick and cut a ginger’s poop in half and shove it down the hole. How gross is that??? I consider this a win because I didn’t break a sweat plunging yet another toilet.

Oh man! The things you do as a mom! We certainly don’t get enough credit! Before we wrap up, do you have any words of encouragement for other moms in the trenches?

I don’t have this parenting thing figured out, but I love the challenge. I trust that God’s control is greater than my own, and when times get rough, He has me covered. My parenting survival tactic is to find the humor in every bit of our everyday chaos.

Good advice – find the humor in the chaos. I need that reminder each day! Thanks for sharing a bit of yourself with us, Julie!

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This was a great read and made me laugh! I’m glad my kiddos are old enough and experienced enough to plunge their own poop! Keep “plunging” through and someday your Gingers will be there too!
Awesome post, I’m so thankful for encouragement and a laugh to start my morning!