As a mom, you may not have qualified for the Rio Olympics, but you certainly deserve a spot on the podium in our eyes. There are no “perfect scores” in motherhood, but if you had a discipline breakthrough, managed a meltdown, or found time in your day to pursue a dream, then we want to take a moment and celebrate alongside you. Even the little “victories” add up to be big wins in the long run; so let’s champion each other. After all, we’re on the same team.

Today we are excited to feature Kristal Bean!

Hello! I’m Kristal. I’m a wife and a mommy to three sweet girls age three and under! Our home is full of giggles, the color pink, and more plastic dinosaurs than you can count. In my former life before kids, I wore pencil skirts and changed my purse to match my outfit. These days, I’m in leggings and my two-year-old diaper bag is still going strong! What an adventure motherhood is – God is growing and changing me in ways I never saw coming.
The photo is of me and my oldest daughter, taken on the day we found out #2 was on her way. It just so happened we had family photos scheduled for the same day that pregnancy test was positive. What a beautiful memory – I remember being overwhelmed with thankfulness for the daughter I was holding, and also for the baby we were expecting.

That is so sweet. And I totally hear you about the diaper bag and leggings. ?
Do you wear any other hats in addition to your [big, gigantic, hugely significant] Mom Hat?

In addition to my Mom Hat, I’m also a maternity and newborn photographer. Photography is my oasis in the midst of the chaos! I love celebrating motherhood with mamas-to-be and brand new parents. There is such love, joy, expectation and excitement during pregnancy and then right after baby arrives. Who wouldn’t want to photograph that?
[To follow: and @kristalbeanphotography]

I bet that is such a sweet opportunity for you to gain a glimpse into such an exciting time full of anticipation. I know my maternity and newborn photos are some of my most favorite things I have.
Tell us about your kids…

In just the last few weeks, my oldest daughter has turned into a little girl right before my eyes – her toddlerhood is officially over. She’s got an opinion about everything, is fiercely protective of her sisters and is very in tune with people around her. Thankfully, she still loves to crawl up in my lap and cuddle. I can’t believe how fast she’s growing up, which is exciting and bittersweet at the same time.
My second kiddo is almost 2 and she keeps me on my toes! She is my mischievous little munchkin who is literally always climbing on something! I love her smile and how when she enjoys something, whether it is food or an activity, she soaks in every little thing about it. She teaches me how to be joyful in the little things – cucumber slices, sunshine, flowers, favorite books.
My youngest is also our last baby. Just typing that makes me tear up. She’s almost five months old and we’re still at the up-every-night stage, but I think it’s coming to a close. At times I am so ready for the exhausted-all-the-time phase to pass – oh, to sleep all night! But I know she’ll be chasing her sisters around all too soon and I won’t have a tiny baby anymore. She’s so patient and when she smiles, her entire face lights up. She is as happy as can be whether we’re up together at 3 am or she’s watching me cook dinner in the evenings.

I know what you mean about sleep. I just told my husband yesterday that I thought once we were out of the baby stage (my youngest is 2), we would start sleeping through the night again but it’s inevitable that many nights a week at least one of my girls gets me up at least once a night. ? I’m learning to roll with it but aren’t those nights when you sleep through the entire night magical? ☺️
What is a recent mom win you experienced that took time and perseverance to accomplish?

Grocery shopping with three kids alone and we were meltdown-free for the entire trip!?It’s really not so bad, even if it does take forever to load everyone in car seats. When I was pregnant with my third, I honestly thought we’d never leave the house. How on earth would I manage three little kids by myself at Costco?! I wouldn’t say that is easy now, but it’s definitely not impossible. ?

That is definitely a win!! ? And I can completely relate to wondering how on earth you were going to manage shopping and children at the same time! Nice job, mama!
What is a mom win that you would text your best friend?

My oldest daughter thinks of her middle sister too when asking for juice or a snack. We have worked so hard and for so long on sharing! When she asks me for her juice and then wants to take one to her middle sister, my mommy heart explodes with joy and pride. At this stage, it’s the little things that make me rejoice. ?

That’s awesome. We’re still working on that. ?
What are you learning as a mom right now?

This motherhood journey is about sacrifice and some days, that’s just hard. I’m learning every day how to juggle being a wife, a mom, a daughter, a sister. I’ve found so much freedom in doing what’s best for my family and not worrying about life being picture-perfect all the time. Is my house a mess? Yep. Did I wear these same leggings yesterday? I sure did. I’ve definitely picked up my daughter from school wearing two different shoes. But you know what? My mom friends laugh right along with me. My husband still loves me. My kids are happy, healthy, thriving bundles of energy. We are blessed in the midst of the craziness. ☺️

Amen, and amen. I arrived at MOPS one time with my slippers still on and I just laughed and thought – this is SO my life right now! I agree with everything you said – motherhood is full of sacrifice but I am learning when I keep my focus on God and ask Him for help, I can find joy in the craziness. Thanks for sharing your real life with us today. ?

If you would like to be featured as a Gold Medal Mom or you know someone who would, please contact us here!