This summer we have been taking about #thetruthaboutsummer and we have been recording in our texts the shifts in attitude and mindset that God has been helping us with. In the following text, we take time to reflect on this past season and we look forward to the next with the new mindset He’s given us. Thank you for joining us on our summer journey!

I know I’ve heard this (and may have said this) a zillion times, but I can’t believe summer is over! It goes so fast!

It flew by! Wasn’t yesterday just June 1??? ?

Exactly! At the beginning of summer, I was dreading ALL THE DAYS of togetherness, but now, I want them back!

Well, I still have my girls with me because preschool doesn’t start for another couple of weeks but I have been thinking about how motherhood is a constant tug of war of the heart!

I know what you mean! We mother hens are always pulling our chicks close and then sending them out into the world… and with every separation another heartstring is pulled too tight.

That’s EXACTLY what it feels like!

There’s that balance thing again, you know? In May, I wanted to have balance between plans and activities and flexibility and rest and now I want a different kind of balance, I guess.

What kind of balance are you wanting?

A balance between togetherness and separation maybe… Now that my oldest is in school all day, it feels like I never see him. If I have any meetings in the evening, I feel like I’m deserting him. I know that’s not true, but the hours of togetherness become more precious. Even though there were many summer days I felt like I needed a little space.

Hmm, I think this is exactly what I am struck by right now in motherhood. That I want to feel completely satisfied with how every season with my kids went. But you know, that’s not reality.

Sometimes things just don’t go as planned. Even with our best intentions of finding balance, sometime we just don’t.

Then I’m left over-analyzing what I did wrong. Or what we could do differently next summer.

And we are our hardest critics. Maybe because we hear how the years are short so we’re trying to make the most of them, but I’m realizing even balance isn’t what we’re shooting for, ya know?

So true. Because even if we found balance in our summer, now that it’s melting into fall, and more solid routines are in place, that balance it out the window. So it’s something more than that.

I agree. I think my go-to in trying to feel better is to control the situation more. Finding balance feels like I’d be in control of things. Like I found the secret recipe. But sometimes balance feels like a mirage!

It really can. I think God is not so concerned with us finding balance between everything as He is about us finding HIM, don’t you think?

You’re so right…we will never be completely satisfied in the balance-seeking. I guess that’s what makes us keep searching and yearning toward Him. Moving closer and closer to the One who truly satisfies…

So…maybe we’re learning #thetruthaboutsummer is not in finding the perfect balance in our lives, as great as that would be, but in laying our efforts down and saying to God, “Here I am. Fill me with more of You.”

Soaking in the Truth
Scripture to encourage you:
- “Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love…for he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things” (Psalm 107:8-9).
- “Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days” (Psalm 90:14).
Music to inspire you:
- “The River” by Jordan Feliz
Related Posts on Texting The Truth:
Living Out the Truth
Ideas to try:
- Take some time to reflect on your summer. Ask God to show you where you found Him and where you need more of Him. Write down what He shows you, so next summer you can remember where to find Him and where to look for Him with new eyes.
{These suggestions are ideas from novice moms. Sometimes our life situations need more.
In that case, seeking out professional help is the right call.}