Today we are so happy to feature mama of two and nutrition advocate Beth Andrews.

Hi everyone!
This picture represent so much to me. I was on a girls trip to NC, so I was feeling refreshed and relaxed when my friend captured this picture of me. I would typically tell everyone all of the “wrong” parts of this photo — that I don’t like my profile, that I’ve gained a few pounds recently, that my hair is too flat, and the list goes on. But I’m learning to love all of the perceived “wrongs” about myself because I am God’s creation and how can I verbally tear apart something that the one and only God created? This photo is a representation of my learning to love myself completely.

I love that you verbalized what so many of us can feel when we see a photo of us. We see all the wrong, like you said. But I love that you’re tweaking your perspective and instead of focusing on what you don’t like, you’re focusing on your worth in who God made you. ? That is a good word for me to think about today.
Do you wear any other hats in addition to your [big, gigantic, hugely significant] Mom Hat?

Oh boy… I absolutely wear a few hats! I’m a fitness professional and love to teach Zumba classes, train clients individually, and even get to work with preschoolers to show them how to enjoy fitness. But my favorite hat is working with a company who figured out how to put powdered produce into a capsule or a yummy chewable for kids. The power of whole food nutrition is totally undervalued and it is incredibly rewarding to hear back from parents how their family’s health picture has improved so greatly! I sometimes feel like an author, helping people re-write their story and give them hope with their health. My website is: www.bethandrews.juiceplus.com

I know that we have benefitted from Juice Plus in our family. I love that it helps bridge the gap when I am not confident my kids got enough fruits and vegetables during the day. So tell us about your kids…

My kids are AWESOME! Carly is 12 and Chase is 10, and they blow me away with their curiosity, their intellect, and their hearts for Christ. At times, it is hard for me to realize that they are growing up, becoming the people that God created them to be, and even though I’m still coaching them through life, that they will soon be making their own decisions. I frequently tell them that my biggest job in life is to help them grow up to be responsible, self-sustaining adults who have a heart for God. And that is why I teach them to do dishes and clean toilets. ?

I like how you described your biggest job. Having kids who love and honor God and do their laundry, wow! ? What is a recent mom win you experienced that took time and perseverance to accomplish?

My kids are old enough to stay home by themselves and it is been so wonderful that I can leave a note with age-appropriate chores and a time deadline, then come home to discover that they followed through, completed the list of chores, did a wonderful job on each task, and did not complain. After spending years cleaning up after everyone, it feels like a huge accomplishment that they are willing to contribute to the family like this.

That is a huge win and I love that you said it took time and perseverance to accomplish because sometimes when we try to teach our kids values and lessons, it feels like we’re getting nowhere. But then we look back after a certain period of time and see growth. It’s so needed for moms to see that progress, don’t you think? ?
What is a mom win that you would text your best friend?

My son just told me that he gave candy to his friend because he cannot remember the last time he ate candy from his candy basket in his room. After learning how damaging sugar can be inside of our bodies, that just makes my heart sing!

I can tell you’ve worked hard at teaching your kids the value of nutrition and I bet that was encouraging. And for the mamas who coaxed their kids to eat just one carrot before a piece of candy after dinner, yay for the carrot! ? I’m realizing mom wins are personal depending on what we’ve been currently learning as a mom. So speaking of, what are you learning as a mom right now?

I’m learning now that my role as a mom as shifted to COACH. If the goal is to make them responsible adults who love Christ, then my job is to tell them, show them, and have them do it. Praying, cleaning, loving, forgiving — I have to do more than just TELL them. Be the example and show them what these all look like to help them learn how to do all of these with love.

Isn’t it interesting all of the different roles we have as moms? I love envisioning one of our roles being a coach by modeling what we want for our kids. That is a good word and I’m so thankful God equips us in this! ? Thank you for sharing today!
