Today I am so excited that we are featuring Emily Wheeler. We went to college together but didn’t know each other very well. Over the years since college, our circles keep crossing and it’s been so fun! I love what I know about her and I can’t wait for her to share more with us today.

Hello! This photo was taken this fall in downtown Indianapolis where we live.
My husband Dennis and I were biking with the boys to the YMCA, where they spend one Saturday night/month for a Kids Night Out (read: date night for us!) We decided to ride our bikes for our night out, from one restaurant/venue to the next. It was one of our favorite date/family nights of the year!

Aw, I love that! And I love that you live close enough that you can ride your bikes. What a fun adventure for your family and then a bonus night for you and Dennis! ☺️
Do you wear any other hats in addition to your [big, gigantic, hugely significant] Mom Hat?

I’m sure you are such a gift to them! So tell us about your kids. I know that we gave birth to our babies around the same time. ?

I’m a mom to 2 boys, Henry and Hudson. Henry is “4 and three-quarters” and is my child who likes to know the plan for each day, and makes sure it is executed down to the minute. He is my son who wears his heart on his sleeve and is quick to say “I love you.” Hudson is 2 and has a will of steel. He is reserved around others, and shines brightest at home. They have just recently entered a new season as brothers where they play together like friends. I never thought the day would come, and it has been a sweet gift.

Well, I basically could say the same thing about each of my girls! Also, the thought just popped in my mind that maybe we could arrange for them to marry? I would love her to you as her mother-in-law! ? But on second thought, maybe it wouldn’t be a good idea because they would be too similar of pairs. ? HA.
What is a recent mom win you experienced that took time and perseverance to accomplish?

Decorating for Christmas has always been something I’ve done alone and really enjoy. This year, my 4 year old wanted to be involved in every aspect of decorating, from choosing the tree to stringing the lights, to hanging EACH ornament. It took twice as long with him as it would have without, but it felt really good to complete it with him, and his delight was infectious.

That is so sweet and such an amazing mom win because I know how hard it is to push down your need to get it done and just let yourself embrace the moment together. That is a constant struggle for me and so yay for you for listening to God’s nudges and enjoying that sweet time with Henry.
So tell me, what is a mom win that you would text your best friend?

Wow, I mean, first of all – you MADE dinner. That’s a mom win right there in my book. ?
I’ve loved all you’ve shared about motherhood. What would you say you are learning as a mom right now?

I’m learning that how I respond to my boys in difficult moments MATTERS. Sometimes when we are in the thick of a stressful interaction (i.e. my 2 yo is biting my 4 yo, or my 4 yo is hitting my 2 yo), I can give myself the license to lose my cool, in hopes that it will elicit a desired response. I’ve really seen how when I choose to react, it does not produce any fruit in the hearts of my children. This is still a lesson I’m learning- heart over behavior.

Oh girl, I am RIGHT THERE with you. That has probably been my biggest struggle since becoming a mom. I have been praying that God would help me RESPOND to my girls instead of REACT. When I react, it doesn’t go well for anyone. My blood pressure escalates, my girls usually cry because my reaction was strong, and then there are actually more meltdowns. When I can take a minute and slow my response and ask God how I should respond, and then do so in a Spirit-filled way, it goes so much better. I hear you for sure and I am a work in progress on this reaction vs. responding shift as well.
Thank you so much for sharing your heart with us today! ?

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