Today I’m excited to introduce you to a special mom in progress. She has encouraged me as a wife and mom, and she is also my little sister! We have always been close, but our friendship has changed over the years as we have grown up, married, had kids, and become distinct women with different interests and talents.
Hello! Please introduce our readers to your family, Brittany.

Hi! My wonderful husband Dave and I have been married for 11 years. (Kinda funny but we met and married in only 7 months! ?) We have two boys ages 6 and 7. Together we run a welding and metal fabrication business out of a shop on our property here in Idaho. I also homeschool our boys and they help take care of numerous creatures including 3 Jersey cows, 2 ponies, a couple of horses, lots of dogs, cats, ducks and chickens. We enjoy many activities including reading aloud as a family, downhill skiing, boating, dirt biking, riding horses, shooting, and flying. My husband is a visionary and our life is rich with many experiences! ? I love being along for the ride on this adventure with him!

Your life is definitely a fun adventure! Can you share a truth that has helped you navigate your busy life more smoothly?

This morning I woke up with Proverbs 15:1 playing over and over in my head: “A soft answer turns away wrath but grievous words stir up anger.” It sparked a very good conversation with my oldest son which included me asking his forgiveness for NOT giving a soft answer.

Hmmm, yes. I’ve been there too. Isn’t it funny that God often gives us the chance to apply what He’s been teaching us? That’s awesome that you used the opportunity to teach your son and model asking forgiveness when you messed up. What would you say is your hardest parenting struggle currently?

My words. I tend to be harsh and frustrated in my choice of words and tone. God gently reminded me that it’s sin. It’s not a minor little detail. It’s big. And I want to start thinking of it and dealing with it like the big deal it is.

That’s so true. What a great change in perspective! I would guess thinking about it as sin makes you more aware of the words you say and even the tone you use. Is there something that is going well in your mothering journey?

As I write this, my boys and I are just back from an awesome ski day at our local ski resort. We have so much fun together doing all sorts of activities and I’m grateful for a lifestyle that allows us to go skiing instead of doing school! ? But we do school sometimes too.. ?

Ha! I think most kids would love to be able to go skiing instead of going to school! Talk about getting out of a not-always-fun task! Is there a chore that you would rather not do??

Haha. Clean. But does anybody really like to clean? ? Besides you?

Hey now! I’m sure there are a few other people in the world that don’t mind cleaning too much!? When you’re not busy cleaning up after your kids or animals, what is your favorite outdoor activity to do as a family?

We love to ride dirt bikes together in the desert or mountains near where we live. It’s a total boy activity, but I like to go along and carry the snacks and water on my bike which has a handy little rack. ?

Super cool. What’s your favorite movie these days?

Captain America? Haven’t seen too many movies lately unless you count running documentaries which I watch while I run on the treadmill… ?

Yes, that marathon we’re training for allows for lots of movies on the treadmill. ? Do you have a favorite app or podcast?

Trulia. I like looking at houses.

One of my favorite pastimes as well. ? How about something yummy you’ve cooked lately?

Oooo these little chicken pita wrap thingys from Costco that only take 50 seconds in the microwave! They are delish! And talk about quick meal prep too. It’s a win-win in my world. ??

That’s a win-win in any busy mom’s life! Something that’s yummy and easy! What are you learning in marriage or motherhood?

I’m learning that even when my life doesn’t seem to look like anyone else’s, that’s ok. It’s sometimes a disaster and scattered and I occasionally worry my children will never learn to write legibly, but God gave me a wonderful man to honor and these young boys to shepherd and love. He knows what’s on my plate and He will equip me for the work.

That’s a good reminder for all of us- that God sees and knows and cares and He will give us the tools we need to do the job, however messy it may be. Thank you for sharing with us today! Love ya!

Do you have a story to tell? Would you like to be featured in a future Moms in Progress post? Just click here and answer a few questions to share the details of your story. We will do the rest!