Spring is ALMOST HERE!!!!!! ???



Do you think you survived well? Are we all in one piece? That cabin fever was a little intense last month!

It was. But more than just being in one piece, I think I learned some things in the end.

Like what?

The phrase that has been running through my mind, guiding me lately, is “Keep your eye on the Giver instead of the gift.” That has re-routed my thoughts and desires about 18 times this week!

I totally agree! My mind has had a little rewiring too. You and and Desi really made me think about my priorities. Even though I haven’t had a miscarriage, I was really left thinking about other areas in my life that I want to be a certain way, but they just aren’t there yet. Instead of getting distracted by what I don’t have, I can focus on God who is always with me.

Yes to all that you guys shared. God has been reminding me recently to invite Him into the empty or chilled spaces of my heart and let Him fill them up with His warmth. ? And honestly, many times He does this when I am waiting on Him to answer a specific prayer on my heart…

Waiting is so hard. You know, I am learning that how we wait is really so important. I was hit so hard about the idea that God isn’t expecting us to be all fixed up and perfect all the time. Even when we are dealing with waiting or feeling anxious or depressed, it isn’t just about getting over those struggles. It’s much more about *coming to God in the midst of the struggle* no matter what the struggle is.

So true. Because when life may not be panning out like we envision and our marriage isn’t as connected as we hope and motherhood may not what we imagined, God is the only real source of true contentment and fulfillment. ?

Yeah, I think that when I realize that my husband and kids are going to let me down sometimes, and I’m going to let them down too, then it’s not such a shock when it happens. I know that God is there to fill in the gaps.

Amen to that. It looks like this winter has been pretty fruitful even amid the cold. ???? God has been at work in our chilly places, for sure.

Yes! ? But… still… BRING ON THE SPRING!☀

Soaking in the Truth
Scripture to encourage you:
- “No one lights a lamp and hides it in a cla jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, they put it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light.” (Luke 8:16, NIV)
- “He guided them with the cloud by day and with light from the fire all night.” (Psalm 78:14, NIV)
Music to inspire you:
- Start a Fire by Unspoken
- Come As You Are by Crowder
- It Is Well Kristene DiMarco and Bethel Music
- Soul on Fire by Third Day
Related Posts on Texting The Truth:
Living Out the Truth
Ideas to try:
- Even though spring is almost here, we are always still going to struggle with “cold” places in our hearts–places that require exposure to the warmth and light God. Instead of expecting ourselves to never get cold, let’s just commit to coming to God through prayer and reading the scriptures as soon as we recognize a cold spot. Just as we desire spring to come at the end of winter, our hearts desire that warmth too! ?
- Post a picture of a fireplace somewhere to remind you that no matter what time of year it is, we need His warmth in every season.
{These suggestions are ideas from novice moms. Sometimes our life situations need more. In that case, seeking out professional help is the right call.}