As a mom, you may not have qualified for the Rio Olympics, but you certainly deserve a spot on the podium in our eyes. There are no “perfect scores” in motherhood, but if you had a discipline breakthrough, managed a meltdown, or found time in your day to pursue a dream, then we want to take a moment and celebrate alongside you. Even the little “victories” add up to be big wins in the long run; so let’s champion each other. After all, we’re on the same team.

Today we are featuring Kim Albrecht on Mom Win Wednesday. Kim, share a picture with us and tell us a little bit about it!

I’m Kim Albrecht and almost blocked this text strand when asked for a photo of myself and the kids. It’s June! Shouldn’t I have until Christmas to come up with a presentable photo? Tricky move, ladies. Here is one I dug up from February. It literally is the only picture in existence from the last several years with all three of us in it. Hey, this picture might look good on a Christmas card!

Haha! It would make a great Christmas card…Christmas in July?? ?? So, what other hats do you wear other than the much underrated Mom Hat?

The hubs and I have stepped into a pretty cool thing as a result of just doing “what’s next” as we hear from God. We launched a website, podcast, and social media pages for our organization, LOMAH. LOMAH is an acronym for the Land of Milk and Honey and is for special needs families. Tom & I, as special needs parents, believe God has a Promised Land full of abundance in Him. However, we must be careful of roadblocks with the potential of keeping us out of the Land of Milk and Honey. Two biggies are fear and relying on our own strength. Our spiritual ancestors fell into these traps and it is easy to do! Especially when the future is so uncertain for our special needs daughter. The website is and it includes informational resources as well as inspiration for the journey to your Promised Land.

Wow! What an amazing resource! As someone who used to work with teens with special needs as a School Psychologist, I know that is a world that is so hard to navigate and tap into for resources. What a beautiful community you are helping to create.
Tell us a little bit about your children.

I have 2 daughters ranging from preteen to teen. Our youngest is a swimmer, reader, talker, helper, and has the potential to own 14 cats as an adult. She loves those furry things. Our oldest is a giggler, lounger, observer, and cat antagonizer. Those furry things stay far away from her.

Ha! I’m with your oldest!!
Share with us a recent mom win you experienced.

Recently, I have been slaying airplane travel. BAM! Nailing it! It can be quite tricky with a special needs daughter who has significant disabilities and there have been years of nightmare trips. One time it was so bad a flight attendant offered me complimentary wine! Picture the bathrooms in an airplane. Now picture a mom in there trying to change the diaper of a teenager who is taller than she is. Are you catching my drift? Anyway, we live in California and do a cross country trip at least 2x/year and over time, have acquired some great tricks. Episode #2 of the LOMAH podcast dishes out 10. Regardless if your children are able bodied or disabled, there are golden nuggets in the podcast if you are traveling this summer. It’s only 30 minutes. Check it out!

Air travel with kids is not something we have tackled at this point, but I think we may have our first flight coming up next winter, so I’ll have to check out the podcast. And how nice of that flight attendant! Bless those people who can spot someone who needs a little friendly “pick me up”.
What is a mom win that you would text your best friend?

I dug through some actual text strands and found this win: “I ate sushi without you”. This was a win because my BFF had just moved out of state and I was missing her big time. Our Wednesday ritual involved cheap grocery store sushi in the middle of kid chaos. Carrying on with out her felt like a win.

I can imagine! When friends move away it can be such a soul crusher! What are some words of encouragement you could share with other moms?

We are never alone. Ever. Like, never ever. Not in the midst of our deepest struggles, not in the middle of the night when we are up AGAIN, not even when our BFF Sushi partner moves across the country. There is a blog post on the LOMAH website where I talk about the time I felt alone and how God filled the space. You can find that HERE for some more encouragement.

What a beautiful post and such a great reminder that God should be our #1. Thank you for sharing a little piece of you with us all today, Kim!

If you would like to be featured as a Gold Medal Mom or you know someone who would, please contact us here!