Today we’re excited to feature one of our blog team writers, Anna Brink!

Hi! Here’s my selfie! The mop of curly hair in my lap belongs to my four-year old, who is inevitably on my lap in the mornings.

Ha, I can relate. Do you wear any other hats in addition to your [big, gigantic, hugely significant] Mom Hat?

I’m a wife, daughter, sister, and aunt. Those are also hugely significant hats to me. But beyond that, I am part of the Communications Team at my church. I work on everything from the website and social media to writing and editing. Speaking of, in addition to Texting the Truth, I write for the women’s ministry blog at my church called Our Redeemed Lives: Imperfect Women Made Whole in Christ. I love using my communication skills to support the awesome ministries at our church. Also, in my free time (haha), I direct a middle school musical in the winter at the school I used to teach at. Right now we are dancing to “Move It, Move It!” in Madagascar Jr!

I love what you said about being a mom, wife, daughter, sister, aunt first. As moms we can do so many things but that’s such a good reminder that those primary roles are so special. For me personally, I don’t want to get caught up in wearing all of my other hats that I lose sight of how important those primary roles are. Thanks for sharing that. So tell us about your kids…

We have a 10-year old daughter, 7-year old son, and 4-year old daughter. These three are beautiful, funny, challenging, surprising, predictable and yet unpredictable, all wrapped up into one pretty cute package (or at least we think so). ?
I feel like I’m entering into an interesting stage of motherhood (not like there was ever a dull moment). But I’m at a point where I have a pre-teen, entering puberty and asking all pre-teen-type questions; a preschooler, who still just wants to play puzzles and marvel at the clouds; and one in the middle, who just wants to toss the ball and play with me (like constantly). They are all at such different stages of their childhood (which is fun), but I feel like I need to switch gears all the time.
And I want to say, honestly, to my friends with little ones: If you are worried that after your babies grow up, there won’t be any “precious moments” anymore…there won’t be cuddle time or bonding time…there still is. It changes; it looks a little different. But every stage has its precious moments, the ups and the downs that come with the age.

Love that. What is a recent mom win you experienced that took time and perseverance to accomplish?

My ten-year old has been struggling in school for the first time, ever. She’s always coasted through, working hard but loving every minute and not needing my help. She learned how to read with ease, loved doing her homework, and tested gifted in many subjects. This year, however, things changed. Her teachers said she was withdrawn, wasn’t participating or talking, had missing assignments, and seemed “zoned out” most of the time. She’d sneak to read her book under her desk instead of pay attention in Social Studies. This wasn’t like her at all. In fact, this was the opposite of her “normal.” Welcome to middle school.
After weeks of talking to teachers, talking with her, crying, praying, talking with my husband, and giving her strategies to try in class, and working with her in the evenings, she seems to have jumped this hurdle. Or at least, we are finding a way to jump it together. It has taken perseverance every day to help her get to this point. We are so determined to get her through this year, and most importantly, to get her to participate and regain her confidence in school.

Thanks for your transparency in sharing that. I know all of us moms can relate to how much perseverance it sometimes takes to help our kids win. And as you mentioned, when that happens, it is a big win for us as mom too.?
So what is a mom win that you would text your best friend?

My son’s reading is now at the Level G! This is great news because he started off the first grade this year a little bit behind and not liking reading much at all.

? YAY! Anything else you want to share?

I’m learning in my personal and spiritual life that I can trust God to guide the direction of my life. I can tell Him about the things that weigh down my heart, and He will answer. My job is to trust, and to follow, as best as I can, in faith. Faith is a muscle that we have to use in order for it to grow stronger.

I can definitely attest to that in my own life too. Thanks so much for sharing today. I respect who you are as a mom and so thankful you share your insights with us.

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