Okay, guys, My hubby invited some guys and a few of their kids over for a Sunday afternoon football game yesterday. No big thing. I hardly even felt pressure to clean the bathroom! The boys and I did take the time to pick up the toys in the basement, so there would be space for the 8 kids to play, but that was it…

Ha, I am cracking up thinking about how when we know company is coming over, we run through the cleaning meter – does this mean we have to clear off the counters or just pick up the playroom?? Good work not going overboard. ?

I kept my cleanliness desires in check this time! I didn’t even apologize to them that everything wasn’t perfect!

I mean, that deserves a slow clap right there!! ?

Thank you, thank you very much! Lol!
Well, because the guys were “in charge,” I went upstairs to do my own thing for a bit, and then I heard it! Smashing. Crashing. Chaos. I dared not go down!

I can clearly picture the internal struggle – can you ignore what you just heard and pretend like it didn’t happen? ?

Love our men dearly but – do you think they even noticed what all was happening with the game on? ?

Probably not – but there’s something to be said about having a one track mind! #itisscience #iamjealous

Exactly, because the kids run up to me and say they dumped out every single bin of toys because they were pretending to be criminals. ?

Ha, like it was really needed that every last bin was thrown over in the hunt for the bad guys!! They really have no idea how that mess translates in a mom’s head!

I felt like they really were criminals! That mess was a crime against MY clean basement!

Ha, yes! #whatgoesthroughamomshead

Haha! I know that feeling!

Sadly, this is pretty typical behavior around here. We literally called Jesse “mayhem” when he was just months old. There seriously should be an insurance commercial about toddlers. They can totally keep up with that Mayhem guy!

Oh, my daughters could definitely star in that commercial! Especially Ellie. Last week I was getting ready to host some MOPS moms for our Christmas party and literally ten minutes before everyone was arriving, she threw out every single plate in her drawer all over the kitchen floor! She is like a little tornado! She’s a cute tornado, but holy cow, she sure loves to stir up a mess!

I know what you mean. I don’t think Jesse intentionally tries to be destructive, but I think it may just be part of his DNA. ? So I told him we had to clean it up. A phrase he has heard about a million times in his short life. Today, fortunately for him, my anger was tempered by guests. ?

Sometimes I’m grateful for the presence of other people. It helps me react in the way I should, rather in the way I want (which is always overly emotional).

Yes!! Anyway, this got me thinking about the messes I make. I mean, I can make a good mess in the name of a project! ???

Oh, me too. Much to my hubby’s chagrin!

Yeah, mine too. But I’m not just talented at making a physical mess. I can make a real mess of my family or even my friendships or my mind with just a few unchecked thoughts or words that dump out of my heart/mouth faster than Jesse can dump every bin of toys in the basement!

I’ve walked that path more times than I care to admit. Sometimes words come out of my mouth that are not loving and I instantly regret them. I know I lose my temper way too quickly with my three-year-old and I’ve said some hurtful things.

Oh, I can sadly join that club too. I seem to be the master of letting crazy thoughts cruise down the what-if path and freak myself out before I reign them in. Ugh.

That feeling of regret and shame is a heavy burden! But you know what else I thought of?

Please tell me it’s something helpful because I’m feeling really guilty right now! ?

God can completely clean up our messes. In fact, He already has! His forgiveness comes before I even ask.

That’s such a hard thing to accept, but you’re right!

Don’t you wish there was a button we could press in these moments to actually internalize this grace? I mean, I know He gives me grace but actually living like it is a whole other story. Amazing what it would like in my motherhood and in my life if I truly accepted His grace.

Yes! And that doesn’t mean there won’t be consequences for my actions. There will be apologies, maybe tough conversations, and probably time to rebuild trust. But in the midst there we are… as white as the snow in my backyard (before the boys went all mayhem on it!). That’s a clean up I can get on board with– fast!

Soaking in the Truth
Scripture to encourage you:
- If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9
- Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you. Ephesians 4:32
- Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:16
Music to inspire you:
- Grace Wins by Matthew West
- Jesus Paid It All
Readings to come alongside of you:
- How to Keep Yourself From Yelling at Kids Even When You are Hopping Mad by A Fine Parent
- What If I Did This Parenting-Thing with Grace by Kacey Van Norman
- Grace-Based Parenting by Tim Kimmel
Living Out the Truth
Ideas to try:
- When my hubby and I start to overreact to a mess or any situation really, we just look at one another and say, “molehill.” This reminds us to take a deep breathe, even when the mess is really bad, and treat our kids with kindness and see the problem as molehill, not a mountain. It doesn’t always work, but it a strategy!
- Apologize! It sounds simple, but it can be difficult. If you find yourself regretting how you handled a situation with your child, pull them aside and apologize to them for your behavior. Not only does this model good behaviors for them to use in the future, but it can open up the opportunity for a conversation about what happened in a loving way.