Today we are excited to feature another one of our very own TtT writers, Jo Perkins! Thanks for being willing to share some of your heart and your story with us today, Jo. Can you start off by showing us a recent photo and telling us a little about your family?

Sure! Here is one:
Our little family includes my husband Stanley and five year old son Nolan, who started Kindergarten this year. And, not pictured: our rescue pup Cooper and whichever critters we currently house (frogs and lizards from the yard most likely).
Also not pictured: our matching Hakuna Matata shirts. I bought those shirts as a self-fulfilling prophecy, I pray, because we struggle with anxiety and perfectionism in our household. “Hakuna Matata…what a wonderful phrase…it means no worries for the rest of your days!” I am hoping we can get some professional family photos taken, and I can also make a printed photo album for us soon. I am really behind on those…

I can totally relate – both to needing the extra reminder to let go of my worries and also to always being behind on photo albums!? Did you hear any truth this week that helped you, in a podcast, quote, conversation, etc.?

This New York Times article popped up on my feed, and it really knocked me over. One of the most powerful points was “procrastination is a form of self harm.” I do not mean to minimize how dangerous and harrowing physical self harm is, but I must say, I agree that procrastination has become a form of psychological self harm in my life. It started in college and has gotten progressively worse for me. I go through periods where I am more proactive, but I tend to spiral into procrastination when I feel overwhelmed or unworthy of good things in my life. Can anyone relate?

Wow! I have never really thought about procrastination like that before. That is a powerful thought. What is your hardest parenting struggle currently?

I struggle with not “checking out” after a long day and doing the bare minimum at night. I need to cook more and better suppers, clean at night, and not let us veg out on electronics.

Well, I think every mom can relate to that!! The to-do list is never done and the temptation to just check out is very strong. What is your least favorite household chore (which one would you like to pay someone else to do for you)?

All of them?? No, honestly it is folding and putting away laundry, which is why my husband took that over when I was in school for my doctorate (and, God bless him, he still does).

God bless him, indeed! That is awesome!? So, what else is going well in your family rhythms right now?

I think we are doing well at having fun together and laughing more, rather than allowing ourselves to just work-work-work. I am trying to be intentional about scheduling in social, church, and other activities that breathe life into our family. Since we do not have much extended family, our church and friends are everything to us.

Fun is so important! Good for you to be intentional about having fun, mama! What are some of your favorite fun activities to do as a family?

We love the water and outdoors, and this past summer we enjoyed those more than ever in recent history. We love to swim at our lake beaches or take the boat out and enjoy the water that way. We also like the pool and ocean. We are pretty much “equal opportunity.” In the fall and winter we go to Great Wolf Lodge for a water fix.?

What is your most embarrassing mom fail?

I have had full-on panic attacks in public at functions and had to leave early. I made it through by asking God to forgive me for losing my mind. He keeps no record of wrongs, Mamas. He is so kind and merciful.

Isn’t that the most reassuring truth!! God’s grace is never ending. And, may I say, dear friend – that’s nothing to be embarrassed about! God is not embarrassed by our worries or our fears, but He just wants us to give those to Him. And seek out people who will support us and help us work through those emotions, too. So, no shame here, mama! And we are here to walk alongside you.?

Do you have a story to tell? Would you like to be featured in a future Moms in Progress post? Just click here and answer a few questions to share the details of your story. We will do the rest!