Artwork by Becky Armstrong-Woods
The driver flipped us off, hanging out of his car window and adding some colorful language, just in case I hadn’t gotten the message. I quickly drove away–before my daughter could get a nasty earful.?
At first, I was upset at the driver. How dare he respond that way?? That wasn’t my fault. But then I was upset at myself. “You should be so embarrassed. You don’t have your act together lately.”
Could this be the case? After all, I had been in a funk, I guess you could call it, for about two weeks — getting lost, being late, making mistakes. My husband had asked if I was feeling distracted lately. My friend said it was just the hiccups of life. But I feared something was wrong with me. Or worse, that it was just, well…me. “You’re a poor manager. You’re slow. You’re a bad driver. You’re an embarrassment to your daughter.”?
That sounds harsh, but can you relate? Do you hear these kinds of thoughts too?
This image, created by artist Becky Armstrong-Woods, caught my eye on Facebook and I’ve been thinking about it ever since. There are going to be SO many accusations coming at us from the outside that aim to tear us down. But if we fill ourselves with the ?truth? of who God says we are, our true identity, we will be able to #bemomstrong and lead our kids to do the same.
Mom, what is the truth that you need to be reminded of today?
You are a work of art. (Ephesians 2:10)
You are deeply loved. (1 John 4:10)
You are free and not condemned. (Romans 8:1-2)
You are being built. (Ephesians 2:22)
You are being strengthened. (2 Thessalonians 3:3)
You are not lacking anything. (Psalm 23:1-3)
We will be praying for you, our readers, that the truth of who God says we are will be what we choose to listen to when push comes to shove.
And for more on strong identity, visit Monday’s post.