I’m so happy to welcome Tricia Rife to our blog today! We wrote together for Cru’s magazine a looong time ago before we got married.? It’s fun to chat again! Welcome, Tricia!

Hi there! I thought I would introduce this photo:
It was taken after my recent birthday celebration! A simple selfie and yet so reflective of who we are. (Husband is Adam and son is Andrew.)

Aw, such a fun and real life photo! So tell us – do you wear any other hats in addition to your [big, gigantic, hugely significant] Mom Hat?

I work full-time at The Wesleyan Church Headquarters in Fishers, Indiana. I help maintain the news and blog posts on their website. I also have a personal blog . I am also part of a non-profit organization that provides support and encouragement to current NICU moms. ?

I love that you have gotten involved with the NICU because I know God has worked miraculously in your NICU experience. Will you tell us a little bit about your sweet Andrew and his story?

Andrew is my busy, sweet, and strong four-year-old. He’s my miracle baby, born 10 weeks early with an unconnected esophagus. Since his birth in February 2014 he has endured numerous surgeries, procedures, challenges, complications, and yet many victories! One of my greatest joys is watching him eat like a normal kid, since he was originally born unable to swallow. ?

It has been amazing to watch God work in his life and also in yours. I can relate all to well to the worries of a mama’s heart and watching you trust God in the midst of such fears has been such an encouragement to me. In light of all you’ve gone through with him, what is a mom win you have experienced?

Andrew recently spent six days in the hospital. A viral respiratory infection turned into pneumonia. He’s very prone to respiratory illnesses because of his chronic lung disease and a floppy airway. He’s been in the hospital with respiratory-related illnesses three times since December 2016. A common cold can land him in the hospital requiring extra breathing treatments and oxygen support. Trusting the Lord with Andrew’s respiratory health is an ongoing battle for me and when I am not living in anxiety about it, I consider that a HUGE “win.”

I think we all can relate to the every day struggle of trusting God with our children. I have not walked through what you have, but I can imagine I would react similarly. I definitely agree that when I choose faith over fear even for a moment, it is a huge mom win. ❤
What is a mom win that you texted your best friend during that ordeal?

I overcame anxiety today by believing God’s truth! ? I am reminded that He is the keeper of Andrew’s days and Andrew’s health and that He is trustworthy. I do not need to be afraid of what tomorrow brings because God will be faithful tomorrow just as He was faithful today.

Wow, Tricia! I love that. I need to print that out and put it on my mirror to remind myself daily of that truth. Any other words of encouragement to share to other moms in the trenches like you?

Just keep trusting God’s promises over your kids! The days or circumstances may not always be easy, but God is faithful over and over and over again. I have seen His faithfulness played out daily over the last four years, and He will faithful again tomorrow.

Yes! And I love that those words are not just trite words but words that you have wrestled with and grown to believe through this motherhood journey. Thank you so much for sharing your heart and such amazing truth with us today. I needed this today and I am sure many other mamas did too! ❤
