You may not have qualified for the Rio Olympics, but you certainly deserve a spot on the podium in our eyes. There are no “perfect scores” in motherhood, but if you had a discipline breakthrough, managed a middle school meltdown, or found time in your day to pursue a dream, then we want to take a moment and celebrate alongside you. Even the little “victories” add up to be big wins in the long run; so let’s champion each other–after all, we’re on the same team.

Hey Courtney White! Welcome to your mom win! Tell us a little bit about yourself and this picture!

This photo was taken on the Galapagos Islands last summer at the end of our mission trip my family took with college students.
It was such a step of faith to take my children on such a big adventure, but also filled with blessings. And like most family pics no one is groomed, dressed or posed “properly” but there is still so much joy in our faces. It reminds me of the constant lesson God is teaching me to let go of control–or rather the illusion of it. God was totally in control of our mission trip to Ecuador and provided in so many ways.

I’m not sure my family is EVER properly groomed! I totally get letting go of that control! But you’re right, the joy in those faces is precious. And can I just say how brave you are taking your whole family on such an important trip! So do you wear any other hats in addition to your [big, gigantic, hugely significant] Mom Hat?

My husband and I are on staff with a college ministry and so I go onto campus one day a week. Although it can feel like whiplash to go from stay-at-home mom world to a college campus and back again every week, it really keeps my heart alive to our calling as a family and our vision for parenting. I love coming alongside young women who have recently started walking with Jesus and helping them grow. Like a second grade teacher who is helping students learn to read, I like to think, “How do I get these fundamental truths into this person’s heart?” I know God is also calling me to pick up the pen and start using my love for writing and thinking again. I have an empty blog that I set up a few years ago. I am energized to write. I am nervous to actually share what I write.

Well, as someone who has been getting your newsletters for years, I’d say you have nothing to be nervous about! What was that you said about letting go of control? Tell us about your kids.

My kids are all fairly outgoing and full of life and silliness. We sing and dance a lot! My oldest daughter just turned six. Then my son turned four. And our youngest daughter is just under two years old and she is obsessed with the “Happy” song by Pharell and all the songs from the recently released “Moana” movie. She chimes out her requests: “Wana,” “Maui time,” “Happy Song.” We get dancing and running around the kitchen island nearly every day!

Who needs coffee when you can have a dance party? Wait… just kidding, I think I’d need extra coffee to have a dance party every morning! How precious. I so hope you have captured that on video! What is a recent mom win you experienced that took time and perseverance to accomplish?

We tried our hand at homeschooling this year and found it really challenging because (A) we’ve never done this before and (B) we have a strongly opinionated toddler. At the pinnacle of my stress, discouragement and fatigue, I came up with a plan for putting my oldest in school next year and putting my son in preschool. I mentally felt better because I thought I had a plan for eliminating all my stress next year. Life under control. Check. Ducks in a row. Check. However, as I have continued processing things a few key thoughts (most likely from God and not me) have helped me realize that I was being super hard on myself and my expectations of myself. I really thought I was ruining my kids by keeping them home with me. I thought everyone–including teachers I had never met–could teach and train my children better than me. One of the God thoughts was: “Do you think you might be being lied to?” I had been lying to myself and listening to lies from the enemy of our souls. I am grossly aware of many of imperfections as a person and as a mom, but God gave me three beautiful lively children to disciple. He has given me a wonderful support system for homeschooling and a nearby school that everyone raves about. He is giving me the freedom to choose, but I have realized that he had me “in the middle” of something and I don’t want to miss out on what He is doing in me by trying to control things in my own strength. If I do choose to put my kids in public school, I want it to be a decision I make by faith, not to control my stress.

Wow! Sounds like you have been letting go of that control thing in more areas of your life than just pretty pictures! And I’m sure you will make the right decision! What is a mom win that you would text your best friend?

We are the silly crazy family who still has their Christmas tree up in May! So I text photos and blurbs about it to family and friends. My son didn’t want to take it down. (He is obsessed with decorating. It’s so precious.) So, we had a Valentine’s Day tree, a St. Patrick’s Day tree, an Easter tree, and I am waiting for the red, white and blue decorations to go on sale at Hobby Lobby (because you should never pay full price at HL). This has been a fun activity for us and it has really helped their young minds begin to understand the calendar year and flow of seasons and holidays. I have not tried to make the tree look perfect; its about them having fun decorating it (and un-decorating it in my toddler’s case).

Aww! That’s adorable! So what are you learning as a mom right now?

Two things from God’s Word. God raised up the nation of Israel in order to reveal Himself to the world and bring His Son, the Messiah, to be our Savior. The nation of Israel was far from perfect and made so many pour choices. YET, God still accomplished His purposes through the nation of Israel. God can use me to accomplish His plans and purposes for my children and our family. I am not going to ruin His plans. I don’t want to be blundering disaster. I want to follow Jesus with my whole heart. I want to be sanctified and look more and more about Jesus. In John 21:22, Jesus basically tells Peter, “Don’t worry about my plans for John. You do what I tell you to do. Follow me.” I am newly reminded to focus on following Jesus and not compare my journey with my friends. We are to be a support to one another, not a standard of performance. I have been blessed with such great friends, but God has not put them in my life so that I can strive to be just like them. He wants me to follow Him and be the woman He created me to be for His glory.

Those are some wonderful lessons, and while I don’t want to be just like you, I do hope to learn those lessons the same as you! Thanks for sharing from your heart Courtnee!

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