Oh mamas, please tell me you have advice for how to handle kids who FLIP OUT on the first day of school. It is Kate’s first day of school today and I have no idea how I’m going to handle this. Yesterday we took Kate to Meet-the-Teacher and I have never seen her freak out so much…and it’s our second year of school at the same place.

Aw, Kristal! I feel for ya!! It could have just been her anxiety coming out yesterday, today may be a whole different reaction. You could try…a reward, a comfort item to take in with her (if they allow it), or just try to act like it never even happened and see what happens today!


If it makes you feel any better, when I picked Libby up yesterday, she was totally fine, and then I kissed her on the cheek. She started scream-crying “You hurt me!” And her teachers and I were just standing there in shock. But I think she was just tired and it’s so hard when everything is new.

I don’t have advice but I have empathy and prayers. I am learning with Sophie how to help her cope with hard things and big emotions. We have this great CD of Bible verses one of the songs says, “When I am afraid I will trust in You.” We play that in the car when she goes somewhere new and is scared. We also talk about how we can feel afraid and brave at the same time and God gives us courage. I am learning sometimes they just need to process through the change and feelings and they don’t know how to say they are scared and afraid of change. But navigating a big meltdown (especially in public) is so hard in the moment. I will be praying for you!

Well, then there are my boys who march into school as if they owned the place and barely kiss this mama goodbye, and I cry on the way to the car… sigh… I’m prepping for the start of my teaching, so I’ll try to pray quickly now and say more later… but Kristal, all I can say is to pray for her. All the above sounds great. Lovey in tow, etc. Maybe your hubby could take her? See if it’s easier to separate from him?

Thanks for the advice, ladies. Her reaction was so unexpected given how much she loved school last year..Thanks for making me feel less alone and a little less afraid!

Grateful we have each other! You’re a good mama and God will give you the wisdom to know what to do. ❤️

So… Just now, I tried talking to her about feeling scared and praying together. It didn’t go as well as I hoped, but God can hold her little heart and comfort her in a way even I can’t! Well, we’re off to school. I’ll text you later…..

Just dropped Ellie off and wondering how Kate did! Ellie walked right in sucking her thumb and did fine. I, on the other hand, came home and cried for an hour. Something about both the girls at school and a house to myself brought me the emotions to the surface. ?

Oh girl, I wish I was close enough to hug you! Go get a latte and enjoy the peacefulness at your house. Laura, how are you doing with starting school?

My little Peter cried when I left this morning. Broke my heart. Today has been good overall, but sheesh, it’s hard to leave a little pouting face behind. And would love an update about Kate, too.

Drop off was ok with Kate. We prayed and prayed and prayed some more… talked about being brave… she still threw a fit and cried and gave us a hard time, but she seemed to settle quickly after I left. Growing up is hard to do ❤️…for moms AND kiddos.

It is! But isn’t it awesome how God gave us all (little and big people) the courage we needed to make it through this day?

Aw, yes! Such a good reminder that He always will, day after day, day after day. ❤️

“I don’t have advice but empathy and prayers.” WOW that is such a deep statement, and such a beautiful reflection of God’s love. We are to weep with the who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice. Too many times we’re quick to tell people what to do instead of listening, praying and encouraging their hearts. Love your blog and that’s why we nominated you for The Blogger Recognition Award. You can read more about that here: https://livingourpriorities.com/blogger-recognition-award/