I’m so grateful to welcome a dear friend on the blog today, Jennifer Grant. We wrote together for a magazine 12 years ago and since then we’ve both gotten married, started families and continued writing. But this last year Jennifer has been fighting the battle of her life, and we have reconnected with yet another commonality: cancer. I want to invite you to take a few moments to hear more of her brave heart through this journey she is walking.

Thank you so much for inviting me here and joining in this battle.

So first, will you tell us about your kiddos?

We have 5 kids ages 23 months to 8. Four boys, and one girl tucked in there.

They are so cute! I am sure with five kids, you are pretty busy. Will you tell us more?

Yes, I am mainly a stay-at-home mom. I am also a wife to a godly Southern gentleman, Kevin, who happens to be a pastor. So that makes me a pastor’s wife, although I never “feel” like one. I used to write and edit from home for Christian publishing, but that ended before my firstborn’s naps did. Taking care of children and *trying* to keep the house clean takes most of my time. I do blog in the wee hours sometimes, which is a lovely outlet. Since I was a full-time magazine writer and editor before my pastor-husband and I had kids, he encouraged me to start that blog in September 2017. Two months later, in December 2017, I found out I had stage 4 colon cancer. So I blog about that, and go to lots of appointments.

Jennifer, your blog has been such an encouragement to me. Your honesty and perspective has been so inspiring to me. And also you didn’t mention another huge thing you do with your time — chopping, juicing, and everything else you do to prepare all of your incredibly healthy food to fight that cancer! I know you’re doing everything you can to beat this cancer. Can you tell us more about your journey?

Well, as you know, I was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer around Christmas in 2017 ( click here to read the post I wrote on my blog when I shared the news ). We got the devastating news two weeks ago that my cancer has returned . I covet your prayers. I am leaving for Germany for my treatments and would so appreciate your prayers for the treatments to be effective.
Having cancer challenges my mothering because I want to savor every minute with these little gifts of the Lord! We’ve taught them about Jesus and heaven their whole lives, thankfully. I want to make sure that they understand that Christ died for the sins of all who’d believe, really, really understand.
I also want to create memories with them that will last. Now, that my cancer has returned, I want to spend meaningful time with my kids all the more, and for them to know how very much I love them.

Oh, Jennifer. My heart is breaking for you and all you’re going through. I am amazed at your strength, resolve and trust in God as your Good Father. What has been helping you through this time?

God has been teaching me that He is my all in all. He is sovereign. He has numbered my days before I was born, and that He is in complete control. ( “I know that you can do all things, no plan of yours can be thwarted.” -Job 42:2)
Nothing, absolutely nothing happens outside of God’s sovereign will. Even Satan is restrained, he’s on a leash. It gives me great comfort that when I am in a dark or scary situation, that God has it all in His divine control.
I try to start my days studying the Bible. God’s Word gives me the right perspective on life, and fills my days with joy and hope.

I’ll say it again – your eternal perspective is amazing and I know it comes from that time you spend each day with God. I continue to pray that God completely heals you of your cancer and that you can be at your sweet daughter’s wedding some day. ? I know you have shared that you so desire to be there for your kids’ milestones and I know every mom reading this can relate to that. Is there anything we can do besides pray (which I know is the most powerful thing we can do)?

Well, yes, I deeply appreciate your prayers. As I mentioned, I am headed to Germany to undergo treatment and unfortunately it is crazy expensive. If you feel led, here is the go fund me my husband set up.
I’m so appreciative of all the love and prayers in this journey. Love to you all!

Thank you for sharing your heart and inviting us into your journey. As mamas, we are battling with you and asking God to heal you completely this side of heaven! Thank you for being such an inspiration to all of us.