The Perfect Thanksgiving

The truth is, the perfect Thanksgiving is hard to come by.  More likely, you’ll have turkey cooking while siblings fight. ? The family dog will eat half of the mashed potatoes because someone forgot to put the lid back on the crock pot after sneaking a few bites.?  You’ll burn the cranberry sauce on the stove because cousins bumped heads and both needed ice.? And you’ll buy a pie this year because rolling out the dough brings back too many memories of making dough with your grandmother whom you lost earlier this year.? 

But maybe this is the perfect Thanksgiving after all.

Your kid-fights are making them better at solving problems.  You had so many potatoes that you would’ve probably thrown half of them out anyway.  The cousins are together and having fun, even if it later involves spitting ice cubes at each other. And the store bought pie means you hold memories of Thanksgivings past close in your heart.?

So on this last Thanksgiving of the twenty-teens and in all the REAL Thanksgiving moments you have in your home, know you are not alone mamas!  We are so Thankful we get to share in those real moments with each of you. ?

?Laura & the TtT team