So what did you think of the cool weather the last couple days?

Finally! A refreshing taste of fall!

Yay! Fall is coming! I love fall! It’s my favorite season. Although I feel like seasons change as rapidly as my seven-year-old changes her clothes sometimes!

Tell me about it! My 7-year-old could wear four outfits in a day because of dirt, sweat, rain, mud, more sweat, and did I mention dirt?!

I know what you mean! Kids! 🙂 It keeps us moms busy with piles of laundry! My days are seemingly consumed with it at times! ????

That season will never change I guess… we’ll always have laundry!

Until the kids go to college! Eeeek!

Oh, goodness! Let’s not think about that just yet. ?

Definitely. One day at a time. I have to remind myself that God is right here with me each step of the way. My purpose may get lost in the laundry sometimes, but God still has me right in His hands, doesn’t He?

Thankfully! It’s hard when the days are full of the tasks and chores motherhood brings. If I focus on it too much I get a little oh, I don’t know, almost depressed.

Yes but sometimes it’s easier to focus on the tasks instead of the people God has around me. I really want to slow down and take it all in. You know, enjoy those sweet little moments with my kids or the funny things they say. Soon enough, we will be in another season, and those moments will be gone! My 10-year-old will turn into a teenager and my baby won’t be a baby anymore!

Ahhh! Stop time!! Maybe what I’m feeling is a longing in my heart to hold onto my babies. I want to freeze the time I have with them. Because you’re right, before we know it, they will be teenagers… college kids and then… gulp… adults!

Isn’t it an amazing responsibility we have as moms?! It’s a split of long days and short years, watching them grow. When those days seem long, I want to remember that God is everything I am not. He is strength when I am weakness, He is wisdom when I am at a loss.

That is some good truth!

Well, they’re more than just words for me because right now, I am going through a struggle where I’m holding onto this truth! I need God’s wisdom with some issues with my one-year-old because she is tiny and doesn’t eat much. I know He will work it out, but when? How?

It is hard to be patient as He works, isn’t it? Especially when it involves a struggle with our little ones.

Yes, I just want to snap my fingers and be able to take care of everything. I’m her mom after all. But I can’t force her to eat, and if she’s not feeling like eating, she won’t. Even if it’s for several days in a row. Now those days seem long! I know there is something wrong, but I don’t know what. I need God’s wisdom to show us the way.

Those are painfully long days, Janelle! All I can say is I know He is with you every step of the way, isn’t He? He knows what is going on with your little girl. He knows the beginning and end of every season of our lives and hers.

Yes. He miraculously made every part of her and knows the answers to all the questions, the how’s and why’s and what’s. That is sooo amazingly comforting! I can do my part as her mom, advocating for her, using the resources God has given me, and then trusting God to do His part.

And we have such an amazing promise too, that He will work all these struggles out for our good. I know that can seem trite when you are in the middle of this season, but when we don’t understand the whys of the struggles or even the whys of certain seasons, we have to hold onto the truth of His promises. I don’t want to see you struggle in this season of motherhood, my friend. I don’t want to see that dear baby of yours struggle. But I’m going to hold onto this truth with you.

Thank you, friend. Holding onto truth is sometimes all I’ve got. I know He is strong and when my frustration is high, when my heart is heavy, I can come to the One Who has healing, wisdom, peace in His hands. He stays the same through all our seasons. He is the one constant in a world of unknowns. All the way from beginning until the end… until my time on earth is up.

And while we don’t know when that will be, I know the God who knows. But I have a feeling that when we have the wisdom to know the One who knows, we don’t have to worry about when that will be.

Yes! He knows each tiny detail of my life. Though time can pass quickly, each moment is known and seen by God!

Whether that’s when we are drowning in laundry or waiting on the BIG answers to serious concerns with our kids.. And someday our grandkids. ?

Now who’s jumping the gun?! 🙂 Just kidding. You’re right though. The truth is that God is in all our days, from beginning to end. And everything in between. He’s the same yesterday, and today, and forever! That truth definitely comforts this mama’s heart!


Soaking in the Truth
Scripture to encourage you:
- “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die,” (Ecclesiastes 3:1-2a, NIV)
- “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” (Ecclesiastes 3:11, NIV)
- “See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” (Ephesians 5:15-16, NKJV)
- “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.” (Revelation 22:13, NIV)
- “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” (Psalm 90:12, NIV)
Music to inspire you:
- “God of All My Days” by Casting Crowns
- “Masterpiece” by Danny Gokey
- “Cinderella” by Steven Curtis Chapman
- “Amazing Grace” by Selah
Readings and Resources to come alongside of you:
- I know it’s nearly impossible to find time to read, but the commentary in many study bibles gives some interesting perspective on this chapter and these verses.
Related Posts on Texting The Truth:
Living Out the Truth
Ideas to try:
- As we begin to delve into this topic of time and seasons and waiting on God to make all our seasons beautiful in His time, I’m reminded that one way I (Laura) can see His work is to write down what’s happening. I have little journals for each of my children that haven’t been written in for a while. I think it would be good to dust those off and record the small things (and the big things too) so that I have a little record of how God was with us in challenging times and in the joyful times too.
- When I (Laura) read verses like these found in Ecclesiastes, I can get a little overly reflective about time. Thinking about a time to be born is full of promise and newness and hope. But thinking about a time to die can be a little dark. But I am asking God, and maybe you can too, as we delve into our reflections on time and seasons to show me where He is in that season. There is such hope in reflecting on Him being with me in my birth and in my death and in every season of life in between. It reminds me that He is with me as I die to myself and am born again into His eternal life. And that’s a pretty great promise to be overly reflective about. Take some time to meditate on some of the above verses. Ask God to show you where He is in the season you are in currently. Ask Him to show you the Hope of eternity and with that wisdom hopefully you can see how your current season of life is part of the beauty that is coming in time.
{These suggestions are ideas from novice moms. Sometimes our life situations need more.
In that case, seeking out professional help is the right call.}