Hi friends! So Desi and I have been texting back and forth about the ups and downs and ins and outs of being a mom…

And let’s just say those texts have saved me from pulling out ALL my hair and hiding in my closet for days. ?

Ha. ? You and me both! Which is what birthed our idea!?

What’s the idea? Spa day?? (Please?)

As fun as that would be, we were thinking more like National Mom Nap Day. ? (How amazing does that sound?!)

Ah-mazing. Oh, and fun fact: National Nap Day is March 10th. It’s a Friday, so put it on your calendar.

I’m RSVPing right now. ?

HA! Okay, okay, in all seriousness, what if we were to have a group text where we all share the craziness of our days? You know, so Michelle and I don’t feel like we are the only loonies… ?

Ooo I’ll join that bin. #countmein ?

Haha, the more the merrier!
So thinking aloud, could we somehow make this public for other moms to relate to?

Like a blog? ?

Hmm, good thinking!

I love getting some truth into my crazy day when I can, but most of the time if I start to read a blog, I get interrupted by a screaming child.

Or multiple screaming childs!! ???? #grammarpoliceIseeyou ?

Oh my goodness, girls, yes! I feel like I am always on borrowed time because when I do get a second I like to do things like shower or go to the bathroom. ?

Haha! I know, I think I LIVE on borrowed time.

Well, hmm…what if we used our little snippets of borrowed time to encourage each other? Because what mom of littles has time to sit down and read long blog posts these days? ?

Love that thought!!

Such a good idea. I think there are a lot of women out there who are experiencing many mom moments just like us.

And I’ll speak for myself, but I know I need to hear “me too” sometimes.

Same here. There are times that we just need to get our feelings out there and know someone hears us!

That’s exactly what I was thinking. But not JUST to vent…that might get depressing. ?

Agreed. ?

You mean this isn’t a new wave of political campaign ads?!! ?

Oh deliver us, Lord. Please no. ?

?? I need some real truth from real people.

Right. It’s so refreshing when moms are honest about their lives. What if we commit to having authentic conversations, rather than just sharing our highlight reels?

Yes! Texting the truth. ?

Sometimes I just need a little honesty to get back on track. I need someone to help me shine light on the situation. ?

Totally. To get outside of my head and find more of God’s perspective, especially in some of my mom moments!!

Like when life is getting a little… shall we say, hairy? Messy? Like meltdown central station?

Yes, yes, and yes!?

Exactly! We can’t avoid life being nuts… but we can choose where we are going to focus.

Is it going to be the toddler tantrums and mama failures or…


Both God’s grace and grace from one mom to another. Someone who’s been there and gets it.

Right. Real moms, real grace. That could be our tagline!

I love it!

I’m excited! Let’s do this!

Okay, but let’s still be funny. ?

Soaking in the Truth
- Scripture to encourage you:
- Psalm 25:5, “Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long.”
- Psalm 86:11 Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth;
- John 8:31,32 “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
- Music to inspire you:
- Readings to come alongside of you:
- “Friendship … is born at the moment when one man says to another “What! You too? I thought that no one but myself . . .” -CS Lewis, The Four Loves
- What Moms Would Admit if They Were Honest from Faith Along the Way
- Motherhood: If I’m Being Honest from Madison City Moms Blog
Living Out the Truth
- Ideas to try:
- Find a group of friends to be honest with. (Okay, we know this isn’t as easy as it sounds. Where did most of us start? Our MOPS Group. We highly recommend finding a group on their website as a starting place.)
- Break the ice. Sometimes it takes you stepping out of your comfort zone and being the first to get real about what’s going on in your life. When you let your guard down, others begin to feel more comfortable being honest–this is how relationships go past the superficial and become deep and precious friendships.
- If you would like us to come alongside of you and tackle a topic in your motherhood, we would be honored. Write us here.
{These suggestions are ideas from novice moms. Sometimes our life situations need more.
In that case, seeking out professional help is the right call.}