Today we are featuring my friend, and fashion and lifestyle blogger, Ceta Walters.

So the reason I chose this pic is because I am a stay at home mom to Clark (5 1/2) and Stone (3 3/4 as he likes to say).
My blog is named Clark and Stone. I started my fashion and lifestyle blog as a creative outlet for my life outside of being a wife and a mother to Clark and Stone. I lost my identity and desperately needed something for me. It’s a lot of work as I’m sure you can attest to but I love it. I’m so glad I started making time for myself.

I definitely think it’s great to put some of your energy into things that make you come alive. That’s awesome! Do you wear any other hats in addition to your [big, gigantic, hugely significant] Mom Hat?

I’m a wife, mom and fashion and lifestyle blogger in that order. I am also grade chair ( 1 of 3 room moms) for Clark’s kindergarten class and on the gala committee for his school as well.
[To follow Ceta:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clarkandstone
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/clarkandstone/]

So, basically, you wear a lot of hats.?
Tell us about your kids…

Clark is my 5 year old son who is so mature for his age and quite sensitive. He is so curious, to a fault at times, and a deep thinker. He’s so sweet and loving. He loves space, legos, and sports. It’s so exciting to watch him learn to read. Stone is my 3 year old son who has a bold personality. He is currently obsessed with Michael Jordan to the point he introduces himself as Michael Jordan. He likes to test my patience and existence daily. His strong will definitely gets the best of me but he’s such a caring soul. I got hit in the eye with a baseball over the summer while at his baseball class. He was so attentive and rubbed my back the whole time until I got up to say I was okay.

That is so sweet! What is a recent mom win you experienced that took time and perseverance to accomplish?

I’m still a work in progress. lol. However, I’m learning to let go of worrying about what other people think of me as a mom. Recently, we were preparing to attend a high school basketball game. Stone asked if he could wear his Michael Jordan suit. I assumed that was an Air jordan track suit but it was a full blown three piece suit. Initially I asked him to take it off. I saw the sadness start to form in his eyes an immediately I told him it was okay to wear it. I was so proud of myself for not trying to control him and his choices. He was so happy to wear his “Michael Jordan” suit.

I can definitely empathize with that struggle!?
What is a mom win that you would text your best friend?

The boys pick out their clothes for school the night before. This helps tremendously for time sake and my brain. I’ve had to accept I can don’t have the privilege of picking their clothes out anymore.

Ha, good job choosing your battles!! What are you learning as a mom right now?

I am learning to let go and to pay attention to them and not the judging voices/ looks from others. I read a book called Grace Based Parenting awhile ago with my small group. It taught me how much I try to control everything and how I struggle with perfectionism. I realized my anger with “inappropriate” behavior wasn’t so much the behavior as it was the “judging” I assumed I was getting from the looks from others in public. I started tuning out the outside eyes and only pay attention to the eyes of my little ones. I realized I didn’t want to kill their joy by trying to make them perfect little boys. I wanted them to remember the fun they had during their childhood. I’ve learned to pick my battles and to not kill their voice. I no longer fight for them to wear a coat. I bring the coat and allow them to decide if they want a coat or not later instead of worrying about someone thinking I’m a horrible mother because my son isn’t wearing a coat when it’s cold outside.

I love that! Thank you so much for sharing today, Ceta!

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