We love that Katherine Salinas is joining us to chat today. Hi, Katherine!

Hello! Glad to be here! I thought I’d introduce myself with a photo.
This photo is my family in my favorite city of Chicago! My husband David and I fell in love in this great city and want it to be a big part of our kids lives, despite the fact that we are true suburbanites now! We love the energy, the culture, the FOOD, and all the fun.

Well, I do love Chicago too. As you know, that’s where my hubby and I spent the first four years of our marriage. I would agree with all of the things you listed above that you love. It’s probably best we don’t mention the traffic or wind and just stay in the positive. HA. So tell us – what other hats in addition to your [big, gigantic, hugely significant] Mom Hat do you wear?

I have started a blog called The Comfort Table which focuses on recipes, building community and delicious recipes. I also run my book club, participate in a couple of bible studies and am active in our small group.
You can find me on Instagram , Facebook , Pinterest , and Goodreads .

I can’t wait for the moms in our community to get to you know you through your beautiful blog!
Speaking of getting to know you, I loved the post you wrote last week that we shared here about the picture books you recommend for Christmas. So many good ideas and some new ones I hadn’t heard of!
Will you tell us about your kids?

Olivia (7) is my smart and thoughtful first born. She is fantastic at math, loves to watch sports with her Daddy and quite the soccer player. She loves to write little notes for her family all over the house and her ability to memorize scripture boggles my mind.
Isaac (4) has dimples for days and is passionate about everything he does. The Chicago Blackhawks are his newest obsession and his prayers have taught me more about where my prayer life needs to improve than almost anyone else. I love watching his pure trust in the Lord and thank God for how much he “loves his fam-ly.”
Anya (2.5 )is our little CEO. She loves to introduce herself to everyone and make people feel welcome. Anya is always sure to remind you of her presence with lots of hugs, welcomes and snuggles. She will remind you of the rules and which words we don’t say at our house. She is learning to pray, but at the very moment, she says it is a bit “tricky” for her. 🙂

Haha. Wow, it sounds like your kids are amazing. And in a future post, I’d love for you to share how you teach your daughter to memorize Scripture and teach your son to pray. You make it sound so easy but I know it’s been an intentional decision to teach them these things. Can’t wait to hear more about that later!
In the meantime, what is your favorite book, podcast, or blog?

Oh goodness, this question is my favorite to answer and I have SOOO many! So, my recent favorites are as follows:
Mom Set Free by Jeannie Cunnion (Devotional)–so rich and grace-filled The One-in-a-Million Boy by Monica Wood (Fiction)–beautiful, wonderful redemption and friendship
When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi (Memoir)–sobering, thoughtful, life-giving
What Should I Read Next with Anne Bogel (book recommendations) The Read-Aloud Revival with Sarah Mackenzie (book lists for you to read with your kids)
The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey (interviews Christian authors and influencers who are doing God’s work)
Shameless plug for The Comfort Table!
Also, I’m loving How Sweet Eats for amazing recipes as well as pinch of yum and Gimme Some Oven.

Oh! You have a lot of good resources here! I will have to check them out! What would you say your favorite mom product is?

SHIPT. Grocery delivery so I don’t have to buy the whole store to keep them happy while I shop. *Angels singing*

Can you believe that I’ve never done anything like this yet?! I think I must be too old-fashioned or something because I like to see what I am getting. But I know people –moms– love it and I need to check it out!
What is the last thing you made for dinner or your favorite simple meal to throw together?

Those sound good. I will add those to our menu! I am always looking for new family-friendly recipes. What has challenged your mothering recently?

Getting out the door for school in the morning.

This made me laugh out loud. I hear ya!!! Why does it take so long and why do they find a million things to do right when we need to walk out the door?! I have tried lots of things but still haven’t found the magic bullet. Have you??

Well, I am still working on this, but I’ve set an alarm on my phone to go off 10 minutes before we need to leave. My kids know this is the cue to get shoes on to leave. While we haven’t mastered this yet, it helps to have the sound get them moving rather than my voice.

That is a great idea! I use the alarm feature on my phone to alert me and my youngest that it’s time for us to leave to pick up my daughter from school. I don’t know why I haven’t thought about this in the morning. Good call!
Do you have any general words of encouragement for other moms in the trenches like you?

I had a mom this week give me a compliment about something I said to one of my children in a (ahem) difficult discipline moment. This particular child is often receiving these little chats with me and I was so thankful to hear another mom say something encouraging about it. Another time I was changing my 5 month old in a restroom and a complete stranger said I had a very soothing voice and she could tell I was a good mom. Years later I still remember that moment.
All this to say, if you see a mom doing something well, tell them. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US needs to hear it because I know I doubt myself everyday. We have a job where there are no raises, no vacations, no annual reviews, and no boss giving “constructive criticism.” So many times I would just love someone to tell me things I’m doing well because my inner dialogue is constantly listing all the ways I’m failing. Even if it is just a simple “you look beautiful today” you could lift their spirits higher than you know.

Do you have anything else you would like to add?

The Lord has really been working on my heart lately about what my job description looks like as a parent. Sharing my faith with my kids had not only become my sole purpose as their mom, but the heaviest burden to carry. He has been teaching me that I cannot take the job that was supposed to be on God’s plate. The best thing I can do is to love the Lord and share with my kids how loving Him is changing me. God is the One who draws their heart, I can’t bring their hearts to Him. I can share my heart with them and say how I have been forever changed, but they need to seek Him on their own. And I trust that will lead to the sustainable faith that we all hope for our children anyway.

Wow. Such insight here. Love all of this. Thank you for sharing your heart with us today!
And thank you again for sharing your list of picture books to read. We are looking forward to your next post and what you’re going to share!