I can’t sleep tonight because I keep thinking about the horrible story of the little boy who was dragged into the lagoon at Disney by an alligator and drowned. ?
When I read that the mother was frantically searching for the boy, my heart just broke for her. I cannot even imagine.?

Me either… I can’t let my mind go there! The sheer panic…

I know! I had to stop reading the coverage, because I envision it happening to my family and it makes me feel sick to my stomach. I read and re-read this story just hoping the ending would change somehow, thinking of all the “if onlys.” For me, I think I need to put more faith in the Author of our own personal story than the authors of the media stories.

I think you’re onto something, Ashley. Maybe all the social media blaming and shaming is a need for control. If we can pinpoint whose fault it is and how it all went wrong, then we think we can control and prevent it from happening to us??

I really think that’s it, Anna! At the heart of the blame game is fear. How can we make this less senseless so we can be more preventative?

That is such good truth right there. I know I can try to control situations by worrying. It’s so backwards but somehow I think I am doing something “productive” by stressing about it in my mind and bracing myself for the worst case scenario.

Me too! But when my mind gets wrapped in sadness around stories like this, it really does help me to remember that God numbers our kids’ days. There aren’t enough safety precautions, “alligator” signage, or seat belts to change God’s plans. It’s scary to not have that control, but also freeing.

That really gets to the heart of it for me, Anna. I have been replaying the situation in my mind, wondering what could have been different but sometimes that’s not the case. Sometimes really hard things happen. It’s more about surrender and trusting God with these situations, but oh my gosh, so much harder to actually do when it comes to our babies. ?

So true. It reminds me of this verse: “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline,” 2 Tim 1:7.
I looked up each of those key words and guess what “timid” means? The actual definition is “lacking in self-assurance, courage, bravery; easily alarmed; fearful.” That’s not the kind of mom I want to be.

Love this verse, Anna! God encourages us to NOT be timid, and we are given a spirit of the opposite, if we reach out and grasp it– power, love, and self-discipline. God wants us to keep moving forward, but a timid spirit is paralyzed by fear.

I have definitely been paralyzed by fear and then reading stories like these gets me right back there. I am finding the only thing that keeps me from freaking out is by telling God my honest fears rather than just mulling them in my mind and scaring myself!

Yes, when I do that and surrender how I want things to go, He gives me a peace…

Soaking in the Truth
Scripture to encourage you:
- “When my heart is overwhelmed lead me to the Rock that is higher than I.” Psalm 61:2
- “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline,” 2 Tim 1:7
Music to inspire you:
- You Make Me Brave by Bethel Music
- No Longer Slaves by Bethel Music
Readings to come alongside of you:
- ”Let your Faith be bigger than your fear.”
- To the Mom of the Gator Attck at the Grand Floridian (WDW) from One Room Cabin
- Every Mother’s Nightmare {Why Losing a Child isn’t Something You Should Fear} from The Better Mom
- Brave Mom: Facing and Overcoming Your Real Mom Fears by Sherry Surratt
Living Out the Truth
Ideas to try:
- When you find yourself struggling with fear, consider journaling your thoughts or finding a trusted friend to talk to. It’s amazing what happens when we bring our fears to the light rather than keeping them in the dark.
- Ask God to speak His truth to you about your fear and what you should do about it. Listen for any revelations He may give you. One of the very best ways to hear His truth is looking in Scripture.
- Put down the phone. ? Sometimes the best thing to do is not freak yourself out in someone else’s story but to live your own.
{These suggestions are ideas from novice moms. Sometimes our life situations need more. In that case, seeking out professional help is the right call.}