The Texting the Truth team compiled a list of easy ideas to help your hubby feel loved, respected, and noticed. Check them out!
Take pictures of your kids holding up the letters D-A-D. (You can print these letters off or find some letter blocks in your toy stash or have your kids write the letters.) Then frame the pictures spelling DAD. You could take the photos every year to see how your kids have grown. ❤ (Michelle)
- Make your husband’s favorite meal and invite your kids to help. (Kristal)
- Need something personal and easy to add to your husband’s or dad’s gift? Check out these great printables (here and here). Your children fill in their favorite things about their Dad and Grandpa. Easy, check. Cute, check! (Michelle)
Do your kids like to paint? Take them to the park or creek and find medium-sized, smooth rocks. At home, get out the paint and brushes to create beautiful, unique rocks with the message “My Dad Rocks!” on top! (Idea found here.) (Anna)
- Is there something you know he needs but hasn’t taken the time to get? My hubby needs sunglasses so we saved him a trip and happily went to Target and picked him out some. ?(Michelle)
- Does your hubby love sweets like mine? We are making him a “tackle box” filled with gummy worms and little fish, along with a gift certificate for a rental boat and a day of real fishing. (Tackle Box idea found here.) (Anna)
We did this little handprint craft a couple years ago (evidenced by the extreme difficulty in handprinting my one-year-old!!) and it was perfect for my hubby since he adores all things from his own childhood. If you search Pinterest there are an infinite number of handprint crafts to do (from superheroes to zoo animals, even some using the phrase, “Hands Down, you’re the best dad”). We bought an 8×10 canvas so we didn’t need to frame it. We glued on felt for the masks and who doesn’t love to glue on googly eyes? (Laura)
- I read this article called 8 Notes for Dad’s Bathroom Mirror and would love to do something like this. For those hubbies whose love language is words of affirmation, I think encouraging him with words would go a long way! And bonus, you can download the notes so that’s less work for you! (Michelle)
- Give him the day off of one parenting task he doesn’t like. For my hubby, it’s changing diapers, so I’ll take care of that for him on Sunday. {This may be a suggestion that rubs some moms the wrong way because if you stay home, you change most of the diapers or handle most of the caring for kids anyway. But it’s a simple, meaningful way to show love to your husband, without expecting anything in return.} (Kristal)
- My husband is so good about giving me time away either on my own or with my friends. So for Father’s Day I arranged for him to go to the movies with some friends and have a game night with friends another evening. Of course he could do these things on his own initiative, but he rarely does. I wanted to show him that I appreciate how he gives me those things nearly every time I ask for them and that I recognize he needs them too. Of course, he will also get breakfast in bed and other royal treatment from the kids for the day! (Courtnee)
- Create a photo book with special memories of just your husband and kiddos. Start with photos from when your kids were born and work your way up to the present! You may not have time this year, but you could begin and add to it in the years to come. (Kristal)
- What about giving respect to your hubby this year for Father’s Day? Check out Anna’s post, Giving My Support for Father’s Day, about how we actually don’t have to give a gift this year but instead could just tweak how we respond to our hubbies. From talking with our hubbies, it sounds like this is all they really want!
Any ideas you have that we haven’t mentioned! Add them below!
These are all such great ideas! I normally gravitate toward the crafty, sentimental ideas, but I am currently focusing on reducing the clutter of “stuff” in our house so no new crafty gifts for us this year!
Also, I am going to be on Facebook Live today at 2:00pm EST to respond to Anna’s post on Monday about giving our husband’s more respect for Father’s Day…and every day after. It doesn’t come naturally for me to ooze words of respect and encouragement even though I may be thinking it. But I actually thrive and come alive from words of belief and encouragement, so why don’t I think to give them to my husband? Still processing as I prepare to share on Facebook Live….come along with me at 2:00pm EST (1:00pm CST).